
Notebook volumes disappears after the server with Kubeflow restart (same with K8s cluster scaling/eviction)

Closed this issue · 2 comments


  1. Install Kubeflow according to the "Quick guide"
  2. Create a notebook in UI and do some work on it (create a few files, run some notebooks)
  3. Restart the machine with Kubeflow
  4. Go back to the Jupyter notebook - it does not have the work we did in it.

The volume that is attached preserves the

Use Git frequently.

Microk8s: 1.22
Kubeflow: 1.6

Verified with Kubeflow 1.6 K8S 1.24.
After restart of VM with MicroK8S cluster all service came up and connection to notebook server could be made.
Details of deployment:

microk8s status        
juju status        
App Version Charm Channel Rev
admission-webhook res:oci-image@129fe92 admission-webhook 1.6/stable 60
argo-controller res:oci-image@669ebd5 argo-controller 3.3/stable 99
argo-server res:oci-image@576d038 argo-server 3.3/stable 45
dex-auth   dex-auth 2.31/stable 129
istio-ingressgateway   istio-gateway 1.11/stable 114
istio-pilot   istio-pilot 1.11/stable 131
jupyter-controller res:oci-image@e05857e jupyter-controller 1.6/stable 163
jupyter-ui res:oci-image@d55c600 jupyter-ui 1.6/stable 124
katib-controller res:oci-image@03d47fb katib-controller 0.14/stable 92
katib-db mariadb/server:10.3 charmed-osm-mariadb-k8s latest/stable 35
katib-db-manager res:oci-image@16b33a5 katib-db-manager 0.14/stable 66
katib-ui res:oci-image@c7dc04a katib-ui 0.14/stable 90
kfp-api res:oci-image@bf747d5 kfp-api 2.0/stable 144
kfp-db mariadb/server:10.3 charmed-osm-mariadb-k8s latest/stable 35
kfp-persistence res:oci-image@abcf971 kfp-persistence 2.0/stable 141
kfp-profile-controller res:oci-image@b4de878 kfp-profile-controller 2.0/stable 125
kfp-schedwf res:oci-image@9c9f710 kfp-schedwf 2.0/stable 155
kfp-ui res:oci-image@47864af kfp-ui 2.0/stable 144
kfp-viewer res:oci-image@94754c0 kfp-viewer 2.0/stable 152
kfp-viz res:oci-image@23ab9b9 kfp-viz 2.0/stable 134
kubeflow-dashboard res:oci-image@6fe6eec kubeflow-dashboard 1.6/stable 183
kubeflow-profiles res:profile-image@cfd6935 kubeflow-profiles 1.6/stable 94
kubeflow-roles   kubeflow-roles 1.6/stable 49
kubeflow-volumes res:oci-image@fdb4a5d kubeflow-volumes 1.6/stable 84
metacontroller-operator   metacontroller-operator 2.0/stable 48
minio res:oci-image@1755999 minio ckf-1.6/stable 99
mlflow-db mariadb/server:10.3 charmed-osm-mariadb-k8s stable 35
mlflow-server res:oci-image@bba33cd mlflow-server stable 77
oidc-gatekeeper res:oci-image@32de216 oidc-gatekeeper ckf-1.6/stable 76
seldon-controller-manager res:oci-image@eb811b6 seldon-core 1.14/stable 92
tensorboard-controller res:oci-image@51058f7 tensorboard-controller 1.6/stable 69
tensorboards-web-app res:oci-image@eef68a5 tensorboards-web-app 1.6/stable 71
training-operator   training-operator 1.5/stable 65

If problem occurs again. New issue will be opened. Closing.