
Launchpad: fix broken links

Opened this issue · 7 comments

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For the migration of the documentation, a lot of existing documentation was transferred from other platforms, where no checks were performed before. Some of the added pages were excluded from the new link checks.

Task: remove the exceptions one by one from (e.g.'Trunk/Glue', # needs update), run the link checks (make linkcheck), fix the broken links, and create a pull request, preferably one for each page to make reviews easier. Only the links marked with needs update need to be considered.

I'm interested in this issue!

@nielsenjared Sounds great! Please let us know if you need any support.

Hey @jugmac00! Where do I find the correct links?

Here's some context:

  • I removed 'Trunk/Glue', ran linkcheck and received an error as outlined above and expected.
  • I found reference to 'Trunk/Glue' in ./explanation/branches.rst (AKA "Where's trunk?")
  • I can't find the 'Trunk/Glue' page in the repository.
  • I can't find the 'Trunk/Glue' page on the new docs
  • I did find the 'Trunk/Glue' page via Google (as well as a a lot of auto repair tutorials) on what I assume is the old doc site

Is this the link I need to use? Am I missing something in the repo or the new site?

Hey @jugmac00!
I think I addressed what I can here. I'm unable to locate the files that correspond to the links below. I tracked down their legacy versions and used that content to cross-reference the new repo. In some instances I was able to find updated/renamed versions of the pages, but not for the following:

Let me know if I missed something or if I can help with anything else.


@nielsenjared Thanks so much for your contributed link fixes, and especially thanks for your investigation about the remaining items.

I went through the list and added some comments what I think needs to be done.

  • needs to be imported

  • needs to be imported

  • needs to be imported

  • needs to be imported

  • needs to be imported

  • can be deleted, as a revamp of the UI is planned

  • can be found under /how-to/use-soyuz-locally/

  • can be removed

  • copy / paste the image over from the old host

‘attachment:TranslationsSchema.dia’; referenced in explanation/engineering-overview-translations

  • seems to be broken already on the old host; please remove

For the items marked with "needs to be imported", I will provide a pastebin link each with the raw rst (from the auto-migration script). These pages need to be integrated into our documentation, and for the time being a warning header should be set which indicates that these pages need to be manually revised, which can be done via...

.. include:: ../includes/important_not_revised.rst

I will provide the pastebin links with the raw migration content as soon as possible.

Hey @jugmac00! I addressed everything but the files that remain to be imported. Let me know when they're available.

@nielsenjared I added the raw rst which was generated by the migration tool. Thanks a lot for all your support.