
Update `metadata-writer` ROCK for `1.9.0-rc.2`

Closed this issue · 2 comments


Each charm in Kubeflow has a ROCK (or a set of ROCKs) it is using. The process of upgrading ROCKs usually means going to the component's upstream repository Dockerfile, comparing current ROCK version against the one in the repository and adding the missing bits.

What needs to get done

  1. Clone the upstream's kubeflow repository.
  2. Go to desired Dockerfile (first line in rockcraft.yaml should specify the full path).
  3. Checkout to the branch or tag of the target version.
  4. Checkout to the branch or tag of the version of the current ROCK.
  5. Compare both files to spot the differences.

Definition of Done

  1. New ROCK is ready.
  2. Tests are passing.
  3. ROCK is published under charmedkubeflow Dockerhub account.

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After building the pipelines manifests from kubeflow/manifests repo tag 1.9.0-rc.2, I noticed the image tag used for all pipelines components is 2.2.0, and the images of this repository are already up to date with that tag, so nothing else to do.