init shell failed?
4t8dd opened this issue · 5 comments
I use fish shell. But when I execute the initiation and nothing writtent to fish config file.
And when try to dump and there is a panic. But I can search with mcfly.
And also ini bash, nothing written to .bashrc and when I exit bash and return with a dump.
Panics happened too.
Is this a bug or I missed anything?
I installed with brew and my os is Mac m2.
Did you add mcfly init fish | source
to your fish config file?
Did you add
mcfly init fish | source
to your fish config file?
yes, but nothing got written as I inspected.
Something wrong here? But the key bingding works and I can search.
should I paste all the init shell to manually?
@cantino sorry, I missed the line and I should have add the init result to
But even so, I still got a panic with mcfly dump in fish.
McFly error: Please ensure that MCFLY_HISTORY is set (environment variable not found)
but I found one line in the mcfly init shell:
# We don't need a MCFLY_HISTORY file because we can get the last command in fish_postexec.
set -g __MCFLY_CMD $MCFLY_PATH --mcfly_history /dev/null --history_format fish
But in if MCFLY_HISTORY not found there will be panic. Why? Is this a bug? Or I missed the config.
But I did not see any config like this in readme.
And what would the config.toml file look like? And it should be in XDG_DATA_DIR in MAC where locates
the history.db by default. But I did not find this config file too.
I think I figure it out here.
When to search, the MCFLY_PATH is set to /dev/null, because __MCFLY_COMMAND is set to
set -g __MCFLY_CMD $MCFLY_PATH --mcfly_history /dev/null --history_format fish
Then search and add are good from this init shell. But if I just use
mcfly dump` or any other command it just failed.
because MCFLY_HISTORY is not set.
So the simplest fix is add line set -g MCFLY_HISTORY /dev/null
and it is fix then.
Good fix, thank you!