
Happy path to run

blaggacao opened this issue · 4 comments

  • I've set up packages.nix
  • I've even set up the override (though the help message was impressive, it wasn't immediately clear where to put it [lib.load])
  • I've done the prefetching, as well
  • I've run nix-build --max-jobs auto --out-link ./node_modules ./package.nix
  • Now, how do I run the CLI in the repo:
# where to put overrides
    tree = js2nix.load ./yarn.lock {
      overlays = [
       (self: super: {
         "bespoke@1.2.0-dev" = super."bespoke@1.2.0-dev".override (x: {
           src = x.src.override {
             # Let Nix to recognise the type of archive so it unpacks it appropriately
             name = "5dd91d76ba088119836f60f514dc0a0b8b30e78d.tgz";
             sha256 ="1g7davl86xvbbfwirjj66xfbavv9ld9250bbni84wlcj0jmhy7xm";

Now, how do I run the CLI in the repo:

Hi @blaggacao, thanks for the question.

Do you want to use your "bespoke@1.2.0-dev" available as an executable? Then you would go with something like:

with import <nixpkgs> { };

  js2nix = callPackage (builtins.fetchGit {
    url = "ssh://";
    ref = "main";
  }) { };
  tree = js2nix.load ./yarn.lock {
    overlays = [
     (self: super: {
       "bespoke@1.2.0-dev" = super."bespoke@1.2.0-dev".override (x: {
         src = x.src.override {
           # Let Nix to recognise the type of archive so it unpacks it appropriately
           name = "5dd91d76ba088119836f60f514dc0a0b8b30e78d.tgz";
           sha256 ="1g7davl86xvbbfwirjj66xfbavv9ld9250bbni84wlcj0jmhy7xm";
in mkShell {
  passsthru.bespoke = tree."bespoke@1.2.0-dev";
  buildInputs = [

Assuming you have your binary in your package.json file declared like this:

  "bin": {
    "bespoke": "./lib/bin/bespoke.js"

then you would just do one of the standard nix-provided options:

  • λ nix-shell ./package.nix --run 'bespoke --help'
  • λ nix-build ./package.nix -A bespoke && ./result/bin/bespoke --help
  • λ nix-env -i -f ./package.nix -A bespoke && bespoke --help

I hope that helps :-)

Oh, no, actually I was referring to the current package marp-cli, of which bespoke is a dependency. I think I checked, but afair, the current pacakages is maybe out of scope for the generated derivations, here? (Since this is a dev tool)

Ok, no worries. I created a minimal example of how to use js2nix to expose executables from NPM -

Let me know if you have any further questions.

Ah! That's the trick, just make it a dependency got ya. Thx!