
Pending hook crashes on Android 12

vegedreamgagnoa opened this issue · 4 comments

Running Pine hooks resulted in crash

A/libc: Fatal signal 11 (SIGSEGV), code 1 (SEGV_MAPERR), fault addr 0x0 in tid 17671

Any plans to support Android 12 asap?

Seems to be issue with PineEnhances.enableDelayHook(). Crashes immediately on Android 12 Google Pixel released/public factory image.

tag @canyie @canyie

@canyie I fixed the classlinker offset to 496; but it didn't help as it only fixes offset mismatch and the app still crashing
A/libc: Fatal signal 11 (SIGSEGV), code 1 (SEGV_MAPERR), fault addr 0x0 in tid 18986 (vegedreamapp), pid 18986 (vegedreamapp)

Everytime PineEnhances.enableDelayHook is called, the app crashes on Android 12 public image.
Help needed.

[Confirmed issue on Android 12]: pending hook/delayed hook with PineEnhances.enableDelayHook();

@canyie After several tests I can firmly confirm that pending hook is problematic on Android 12 / S. Need to dig in, why there's such problems. There's null pointer dereference error, located at FixupStaticTrampolines.

If you need my help in exploring let me know @canyie . Maybe there's some issues with inlining or something. or if we could find another method to hook without directly relying on art structures

please attach full log file instead of filtered one