
GLIBC version not found for Javet 3.0.1 and Ubuntu 20.04

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kozi commented

GLIBC version not found for Javet 3.0.1 and Ubuntu 20.04

Is there a way I can solve this problem?

Ubuntu 20.04 still has standard support until May 2025.
so it would be good if Javet could also run on this version, wouldn't it?

Javet v3.0.0 is the last version built for Ubuntu 20.04. There are typically 2 options.

  • Install the corresponding glibc by upgrading gcc.
  • It's possible to build v3.0.1 for Ubuntu 20.04, but that would take some extra effort. Please ping me at discord for details if you really need a private build.

v3.0.3 will be built on Ubuntu 20.04 for better compatibility. Please let me know if you have any questions.

kozi commented

Great, thanks for the information! I will test it soon and then post my results here.

If you are fine with visiting the discord, ping me for the snapshot build of the next release. Gern geschehen.