
This is a copy of the crawler data


The popular JavaScript libraries:

01: jQuery
02: jQueryTools
03: jQueryUI
04: jQueryMobile
05: jQueryCookie
06: Angular
07: Bootstrap
08: Handlebars
09: SWFObject
10: Spine
11: SPF
12: Requirejs
13: React
14: Prototype
15: Modernizr
16: YUI
17: Facebook SDK
18: Twitter Platform
19: Yepnope
20: Isotope
21: Underscore
22: Lodash
23: GoogleAPI
24: Fastclick
25: Backbone
26: Flotcharts
27: Webfont
28: GoogleAnalytics
29: LABjs
30: Hammerjs
31: Headjs
32: Leaflet
33: Zurb
34: Velocity
35: Mustache
36: Zepto
37: Extjs
38: Scriptaculousjs
39: Sizzle
40: Fancybox
41: Lightbox
42: Html5shiv
43: Polymer 44: D3
45: Reveal.js
46: Three.js
47: Impress.js
48: jQueryFileUpload
49: Socket.io 50: Shadowbox 51: MooTools 52: Spry