
[Question] good practices of handling BLE Connection.

qpre opened this issue · 2 comments

qpre commented

This is not a bug, but a discussion.

I wonder what the best practices are for handling the connection to a BLE device,
do you connect when the app is open and only close the connection when the app closes ?
do you connect/disconnect every time an action (read/write) is performed ?

the first seems way easier to implement (no need for connection locks etc), but what's the effect on the batteries ?

P.S: I can not remove the bug label

Good question!!

I was wondering the same. I ask every time to the user about it but it would be more confortable if i could reconnect it automatic.

I mean, every time i need to start reading, i show the prompt to connect the device but if he change or close the mine, he lost the connectiong.

The question is definitely much better answered for a specific case, because in general "it depends" 🙂

Connection duration has less effect on battery life than you might think, as it really depends on what the connection intervals are.

In general, connecting consumes a fair amount of power (as scanning is required) compared to a long running idle connection.

Given no other background context, my recommendations would be:

  1. automatic connect on launch
  2. keep the connection open while the app is open
  3. measure the battery impact of your app

This is by far the least error prone and most reliable way to get data with mobile phones 🙂