cannot add icon in addMarker
alihaider1793 opened this issue · 4 comments
It appears that icons cannot be set for 2.0.0-beta.1.
Instead, the icon is available by specifying the current latest version, 2.0.0-beta.5, as shown below.
"dependencies": {
"@capacitor-community/google-maps": "git+",
Hi, I have another issue, which is not related to this, but I want to use addPolygon and addCircle methods in my code using this plugin. but these plugins are not merged in the main branch right now. How can I use these features?
It's highly recommended to install the latest version of this repo through NPM (currently 2.0.0-beta.5
). If you want to live on the bleeding edge and want to try out different things, you can install any GitHub repo/branch like so npm i git+
. Where you can substitute #main
for any commit/branch/tag.
I tried to access the hmg/shapes
branch but it is 22 commits behind main. so it causes errors in my app. And there's a pull request which is open from the past 6 months. If that is merged into the main branch, I think I'll be able to access the features to add polygon and circles in the map.