
feat: Scan Multiple QR Codes at once

Closed this issue · 5 comments


  • Barcode Scanning
  • Face Detection
  • Face Mesh Detection
  • Selfie Segmentation
  • Translation

Current problem

I am facing a scenerio in which there are 5 different QR codes at a place. I want a feature which enables the user to scan all of them at once and then select value of his own choice.

Preferred solution

Barcode Scanner should detect multiple qr codes from camera and then allow the user to select only single value from these scanned values.

Alternative options

No response

Additional context

No response

Before submitting

This is a feature that you should build into your app. The plugin already offers you all the functionalities for this. For this reason, i'm closing this issue as not planned.

Here is the image attached, scanner only scans one QR code at once. Does it provide the functionality to scan all of them ? I am using scanner camera to scan the code.

For example, the readBarcodesFromImage(...) methods returns an array of barcodes, see

@robingenz i have explored this function , But I want that feature on scanning instead of QR CODES Image. Does this package provide scanning multiple QR codes on scanning instead of reading codes from image ?

Oh, you should have mentioned that in your issue. Currently the barcodeScanned listener fires once per qrcode, see:

You could let the user scan until no new barcodes are recognized. Alternatively, I could adapt the listener so that it returns all barcodes at once. But even then, there is no guarantee that the ML Kit Barcode Scanning SDK will recognize all barcodes on the first scan.