bug: Can't read Mifare DESFire EV3
bols1992 opened this issue · 6 comments
Plugin version:
Android 11
Current behavior:
if i want to read my nfc tag Mifare DESFire EV3 4k i have the Message "E/NfcPlugin: Attempt to get length of null array" in the console
when i read the nfc tag with the nfc tools app i get the following output, generally the target is to read the encrypted application but in the first step the uid of the tag would be enough for me but i get the error
Normal tags can be read.
Related code:
Nfc.addListener('nfcTagScanned', event => {
console.log('nfcTagScanned'+ JSON.stringify(event.nfcTag));
this.ngZone.run(() => {
Capacitor doctor:
@capacitor/cli: 4.7.3
@capacitor/core: 4.7.3
@capacitor/android: 4.7.3
@capacitor/ios: 4.7.3
Thank you for reporting this.
Can you reproduce this issue with our Capacitor NFC Demo app?
I had previously tested it with the demo app at the same result. Attached is a short video
Thanks for the video.
I tried to reproduce the issue with my Pixel 6a and this MIFARE DESFire EV3 8k tag.
However, I was able to read the UID without any problem (see video).
Have you tried formatting the card?
after i format the tag, i can read the tag with the demo app.
If I then describe the tag again, I get the error again or, as can be seen in the video, no output.
Thank you so much for your help! I was able to reproduce the issue and found the problem. The fix will be released with the next update for Capacitor 5. If you need the fix earlier, just let me know.
Update: I just released an update for Capacitor 4:
npm i @capawesome-team/capacitor-nfc@0.3.2
Thank you again for your help.