
How do I run the examples?

FrankFang opened this issue · 3 comments

Is it something like bin/rake whatever or ruby whatever.rb?
Sorry, I am a newbie to Rails.

Hi @FrankFang thanks for your interest in SSHKit, if you can't even get it running it's probably not the best tool for you at your stage of learning. Please try checking out some videos about Ruby in general and come back when you've hit your first problems. These forums are for bugs/improvements, not for general help, StackOverflow excels in that domain. Make sure to tag your future comments with sshkit or capistrano and we'll see them

Thanks. I find the answer

bundle exec cap install
create whatever.rake under lib/capistrano/tasks
cap production whatever

It works~

But you've asked about SSHKit, which is used by Capistrano, but here the usage instructions are different. Anyway, I'm glad you come along - Capistrano (as the user-facing front end) has much better tutorials and support than it's internal SSH driver (SSHKit)