
Fix support for Internet tab in Oculus Home on Gear VR

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The most wide-spread WebVR browser available right now is the Internet tab in Oculus Home on the Samsung Gear VR.

This issue is marked hard because it still requires research as to what exact issues are necessary to fix, and by our guidelines for how issues are labeled, lacking even a concrete description of the problem means that the Issue ticket gets marked hard. However, I do not think the actual work, once discovered, would be terribly difficult.

This issue is marked documentation, as the end result should be a new group of medium level tasks, breaking down what needs to be done.

A few things to determine:

  • What, if anything, must be done to get all Primrose demos working in Carmel? They don't necessarily have to perform their function (if, for examples, Carmel doesn't have proper support for WebAudio API, then the music demo won't have any chance of working), but they should at least work to the best of the platform's ability and not crash out to a black viewport.
  • How does the requestPresent workflow work? Do we get any of the activation events, indicating we can go straight to requestPresent-ing without having to wait for the user to click a button?
  • How does the touchpad work? It was originally treated as a mousepad like on a laptop computer. Is this still the case? IIRC, they were discussing moving to representing it through the Gamepad API. I expect many new issues to come through on this one.
  • How well do Bluetooth devices work with SIGVR? Specifically:
  • Mouse
  • Keyboard
  • Gamepad (I have the original, discontinued Amazon Fire TV controller and the Xbox One S controller)