main vout display error: Failed to set on top
Closed this issue · 27 comments
I was testing the latest VLCJ 2.0.0 from GitHub with nightly build 2.1.0 under Windows XP SP3. It was using JNA 3.4.0 taken from Maven's local repository.
But, I got "main vout display error: Failed to set on top"
when playing a media using the method playMedia(mrl, options)
I was able to play the media. However, I could not disable the video title show using VLC command line option --no-video-title-show
or :no-video-title-show
. The video title kept showing in the center of the video playback. I was also feeling that other VLC command line options were not in effect when passing them as the options string into the method's second parameter; for example: sharpen-sigma, blur-factor, etc.
Here is my VLCJ logs:
_ _
__ _| | ___ (_)
\ \ / / |/ __|| |
\ V /| | (__ | |
\_/ |_|\___|/ | 2.0.0
VLCJ is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
VLCJ is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with VLCJ. If not, see <>.
Copyright 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 Caprica Software Limited.
vlcj: ( | INFO | vlcj: 2.0.0
vlcj: ( | INFO | java: 1.6.0_29 Sun Microsystems Inc.
vlcj: ( | INFO | java home: C:\Program Files\Java\jre6
vlcj: ( | INFO | os: Windows XP 5.1 x86
vlcj: ( | INFO | vlc: 2.1.0-git-20120217-0011 Rincewind, changeset 1.3.0-git-1240-g04c6044
vlcj: ( | INFO | libvlc: C:\PROJECTS\Eclipse\working\workspace\MyVideoPlayer\.\lib\libvlc.dll
vlcj: ( | DEBUG | MediaPlayerFactory(libvlc=Proxy interface to Native Library <C:\PROJECTS\Eclipse\working\workspace\MyVideoPlayer\.\lib\libvlc.dll@1781530624>,libvlcArgs=[])
vlcj: ( | DEBUG | jna.library.path=./lib
vlcj: ( | DEBUG | instance=native@0x48ed7f78
vlcj: ( | DEBUG | newDirectMediaPlayer(width=640,height=480,renderCallback=com.ste.core.VideoPanel$TestRenderCallback@1474fc)
vlcj: ( | DEBUG | newDirectMediaPlayer(format=RV32,width=640,height=480,pitch=2560,renderCallback=com.ste.core.VideoPanel$TestRenderCallback@1474fc)
vlcj: ( | DEBUG | DefaultMediaPlayer(libvlc=Proxy interface to Native Library <C:\PROJECTS\Eclipse\working\workspace\MyVideoPlayer\.\lib\libvlc.dll@1781530624>, instance=native@0x48ed7f78)
vlcj: ( | DEBUG | createInstance()
vlcj: ( | DEBUG | mediaPlayerInstance=native@0x48ede3b8
vlcj: ( | DEBUG | mediaPlayerEventManager=native@0x4a734450
vlcj: ( | DEBUG | registerEventListener()
vlcj: ( | DEBUG | event=libvlc_MediaPlayerMediaChanged
vlcj: ( | DEBUG | result=0
vlcj: ( | DEBUG | event=libvlc_MediaPlayerNothingSpecial
vlcj: ( | DEBUG | result=0
vlcj: ( | DEBUG | event=libvlc_MediaPlayerOpening
vlcj: ( | DEBUG | result=0
vlcj: ( | DEBUG | event=libvlc_MediaPlayerBuffering
vlcj: ( | DEBUG | result=0
vlcj: ( | DEBUG | event=libvlc_MediaPlayerPlaying
vlcj: ( | DEBUG | result=0
vlcj: ( | DEBUG | event=libvlc_MediaPlayerPaused
vlcj: ( | DEBUG | result=0
vlcj: ( | DEBUG | event=libvlc_MediaPlayerStopped
vlcj: ( | DEBUG | result=0
vlcj: ( | DEBUG | event=libvlc_MediaPlayerForward
vlcj: ( | DEBUG | result=0
vlcj: ( | DEBUG | event=libvlc_MediaPlayerBackward
vlcj: ( | DEBUG | result=0
vlcj: ( | DEBUG | event=libvlc_MediaPlayerEndReached
vlcj: ( | DEBUG | result=0
vlcj: ( | DEBUG | event=libvlc_MediaPlayerEncounteredError
vlcj: ( | DEBUG | result=0
vlcj: ( | DEBUG | event=libvlc_MediaPlayerTimeChanged
vlcj: ( | DEBUG | result=0
vlcj: ( | DEBUG | event=libvlc_MediaPlayerPositionChanged
vlcj: ( | DEBUG | result=0
vlcj: ( | DEBUG | event=libvlc_MediaPlayerSeekableChanged
vlcj: ( | DEBUG | result=0
vlcj: ( | DEBUG | event=libvlc_MediaPlayerPausableChanged
vlcj: ( | DEBUG | result=0
vlcj: ( | DEBUG | event=libvlc_MediaPlayerTitleChanged
vlcj: ( | DEBUG | result=0
vlcj: ( | DEBUG | event=libvlc_MediaPlayerSnapshotTaken
vlcj: ( | DEBUG | result=0
vlcj: ( | DEBUG | event=libvlc_MediaPlayerLengthChanged
vlcj: ( | DEBUG | result=0
vlcj: ( | DEBUG | event=libvlc_MediaPlayerVout
vlcj: ( | DEBUG | result=0
vlcj: ( | DEBUG | setStandardMediaOptions(options=[])
vlcj: ( | DEBUG | setTitle(title=10)
vlcj: ( | DEBUG | setRepeat(repeat=true)
vlcj: ( | DEBUG | setPlaySubItems(playSubItems=true)
vlcj: ( | DEBUG | playMedia(mrl=C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\My Documents\MyVideoPlayer\videos\uav-low.wmv,mediaOptions=[])
vlcj: ( | DEBUG | prepareMedia(mrl=C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\My Documents\MyVideoPlayer\videos\uav-low.wmv,mediaOptions=[])
vlcj: ( | DEBUG | setMedia(media=C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\My Documents\MyVideoPlayer\videos\uav-low.wmv,mediaOptions=[])
vlcj: ( | DEBUG | mediaInstance=native@0x48edde78
vlcj: ( | DEBUG | registerMediaEventListener()
vlcj: ( | DEBUG | event=libvlc_MediaMetaChanged
vlcj: ( | DEBUG | result=0
vlcj: ( | DEBUG | event=libvlc_MediaSubItemAdded
vlcj: ( | DEBUG | result=0
vlcj: ( | DEBUG | event=libvlc_MediaDurationChanged
vlcj: ( | DEBUG | result=0
vlcj: ( | DEBUG | event=libvlc_MediaParsedChanged
vlcj: ( | DEBUG | result=0
vlcj: ( | DEBUG | event=libvlc_MediaFreed
vlcj: ( | DEBUG | result=0
vlcj: ( | DEBUG | event=libvlc_MediaStateChanged
vlcj: ( | DEBUG | result=0
vlcj: ( | DEBUG | mediaChanged(
vlcj: ( | DEBUG | Raising event for new media
vlcj: ( | DEBUG | play()
[4a6b39b8] main vout display error: Failed to set on top
vlcj: ( | DEBUG | subItems()
vlcj: ( | DEBUG | handleSubItems()
vlcj: ( | DEBUG | subItemList=null
vlcj: ( | DEBUG | play()
vlcj: ( | DEBUG | release()
vlcj: ( | DEBUG | destroyInstance()
vlcj: ( | DEBUG | Detach media events...
vlcj: ( | DEBUG | deregisterMediaEventListener()
vlcj: ( | DEBUG | event=libvlc_MediaMetaChanged
vlcj: ( | DEBUG | event=libvlc_MediaSubItemAdded
vlcj: ( | DEBUG | event=libvlc_MediaDurationChanged
vlcj: ( | DEBUG | event=libvlc_MediaParsedChanged
vlcj: ( | DEBUG | event=libvlc_MediaFreed
vlcj: ( | DEBUG | event=libvlc_MediaStateChanged
vlcj: ( | DEBUG | Media events detached.
vlcj: ( | DEBUG | Release media...
vlcj: ( | DEBUG | Media released.
vlcj: ( | DEBUG | Detach media player events...
vlcj: ( | DEBUG | deregisterEventListener()
vlcj: ( | DEBUG | event=libvlc_MediaPlayerMediaChanged
vlcj: ( | DEBUG | event=libvlc_MediaPlayerNothingSpecial
vlcj: ( | DEBUG | event=libvlc_MediaPlayerOpening
vlcj: ( | DEBUG | event=libvlc_MediaPlayerBuffering
vlcj: ( | DEBUG | event=libvlc_MediaPlayerPlaying
vlcj: ( | DEBUG | event=libvlc_MediaPlayerPaused
vlcj: ( | DEBUG | event=libvlc_MediaPlayerStopped
vlcj: ( | DEBUG | event=libvlc_MediaPlayerForward
vlcj: ( | DEBUG | event=libvlc_MediaPlayerBackward
vlcj: ( | DEBUG | event=libvlc_MediaPlayerEndReached
vlcj: ( | DEBUG | event=libvlc_MediaPlayerEncounteredError
vlcj: ( | DEBUG | event=libvlc_MediaPlayerTimeChanged
vlcj: ( | DEBUG | event=libvlc_MediaPlayerPositionChanged
vlcj: ( | DEBUG | event=libvlc_MediaPlayerSeekableChanged
vlcj: ( | DEBUG | event=libvlc_MediaPlayerPausableChanged
vlcj: ( | DEBUG | event=libvlc_MediaPlayerTitleChanged
vlcj: ( | DEBUG | event=libvlc_MediaPlayerSnapshotTaken
vlcj: ( | DEBUG | event=libvlc_MediaPlayerLengthChanged
vlcj: ( | DEBUG | event=libvlc_MediaPlayerVout
vlcj: ( | DEBUG | Media player events detached.
vlcj: ( | DEBUG | Release media player...
vlcj: ( | DEBUG | Media player released.
vlcj: ( | DEBUG | Shut down listeners...
vlcj: ( | DEBUG | Listeners shut down.
vlcj: ( | DEBUG | release()
You've posted three separate issues all together. You should really post separate issues.
Anyway you can see from the logs yourself there's not much to go on.
For this "[4a6b39b8] main vout display error: Failed to set on top" - well, you say the video plays, so what actually is not working? That is probably just a debug error from inside vlc. Nothing vlcj can do about it.
If "--no-video-title-show" has stopped working, then that's not a vlcj issue either - vlcj does nothing with the option other than pass it to libvlc. Maybe that option been removed in the latest vlc, although I doubt it. Indeed, your posted log does not even contain that option anywhere so are you sure you're setting it?
If you are passing other options such as sharpen-sigma and not seeing any effect, then again, it's not a vlcj issue since those options are simply passed directly to libvlc. Maybe you need to enable a video filter or something with other options.
In short, for all of the issues you posted together, none of them seem to be a vlcj problem.
Well, I had tested VLC 2.1.0 from DOS command prompt and it worked when I passed VLC command options like --no-video-title-show. Only that when I tried this via VLCJ 2.0.0. binding, the VLC option didn't work.
What I am trying to tell here is that somehow the VLC command options don't work and it produces main vout display error: Failed to set on top.
For your information, I had tested VLC 1.1.11 using VLCJ 1.2.0 (before the VLCJ 1.2.2 version lock) and it worked with the given VLC option and no main vout display error: Failed to set on top.
was produced.
But when you get the "main vout display error", did something actually not work? It might just be a native debug message. Maybe search the videolan forums for that.
Your posted logs didn't show how you passed "--no-video-title-show" nor did you post a test-case so I can't see how you're doing it, and therefore I can't suggest a way for you to resolve it.
Believe me, I use "--no-video-title-show" all the time and I've never seen it not work.
Also, you can't just do vlc -H and start passing those options through libvlc. Some of them work, some don't, some work only in conjunction with others, some need other syntax. But in all cases, vlcj does nothing with them and simply sends them on to libvlc.
Sorry that I've posted the log without the --no-video-title-show
I did test both situations (with or without VLC command option) but it still produced main vout display error
in VLCJ 2.0.0 with VLC 2.1.0. The playback worked (no problem with that) but the expected result where video title was not supposed to appear still appeared even when I had passed --no-video-title-show
OK, I can check this later.
I am still unsure as to whether the "main vout display error" message is really an error if your playback is working.
My concern is that because of "main vout display error" when using VLCJ 2.1.0, libVLC doesn't want to process the VLC command options.
I have no problem using VLCJ 1.2.0 with VLC engine 1.1.10 or 1.1.11 as you can see below with some VLC command options for VLC engine 1.1.10. The setup worked very well:
__ _| | ___ (_)
\ \ / / |/ __|| |
\ V /| | (__ | |
\_/ |_|\___|/ | 1.2.0
VLCJ is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
VLCJ is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with VLCJ. If not, see <>.
Copyright 2009, 2010, 2011 Caprica Software Limited.
vlcj: ( | INFO | vlcj: 1.2.0
vlcj: ( | INFO | java: 1.6.0_29 Sun Microsystems Inc.
vlcj: ( | INFO | java home: C:\Program Files\Java\jre6
vlcj: ( | INFO | os: Windows XP 5.1 x86
vlcj: ( | INFO | vlc: 1.1.10 The Luggage, changeset 1.1.9-104-gf9be802
vlcj: ( | INFO | libvlc: C:\PROJECTS\Eclipse\working\workspace\MyVideoPlayer\.\lib\libvlc.dll
vlcj: ( | DEBUG | MediaPlayerFactory(libvlc=Proxy interface to Native Library <C:\PROJECTS\Eclipse\working\workspace\MyVideoPlayer\.\lib\libvlc.dll@1781530624>,libvlcArgs=[])
vlcj: ( | DEBUG | jna.library.path=./lib
vlcj: ( | DEBUG | instance=native@0x48ed8308
vlcj: ( | DEBUG | newDirectMediaPlayer(width=640,height=480,renderCallback=com.ste.core.VideoPanel$TestRenderCallback@53d3cf)
vlcj: ( | DEBUG | newDirectMediaPlayer(format=RV32,width=640,height=480,pitch=2560,renderCallback=com.ste.core.VideoPanel$TestRenderCallback@53d3cf)
vlcj: ( | DEBUG | DefaultMediaPlayer(libvlc=Proxy interface to Native Library <C:\PROJECTS\Eclipse\working\workspace\MyVideoPlayer\.\lib\libvlc.dll@1781530624>, instance=native@0x48ed8308)
vlcj: ( | DEBUG | createInstance()
vlcj: ( | DEBUG | mediaPlayerInstance=native@0x55093a08
vlcj: ( | DEBUG | mediaPlayerEventManager=native@0x4a74fc08
vlcj: ( | DEBUG | registerEventListener()
vlcj: ( | DEBUG | event=libvlc_MediaPlayerMediaChanged
vlcj: ( | DEBUG | result=0
vlcj: ( | DEBUG | event=libvlc_MediaPlayerNothingSpecial
vlcj: ( | DEBUG | result=0
vlcj: ( | DEBUG | event=libvlc_MediaPlayerOpening
vlcj: ( | DEBUG | result=0
vlcj: ( | DEBUG | event=libvlc_MediaPlayerBuffering
vlcj: ( | DEBUG | result=0
vlcj: ( | DEBUG | event=libvlc_MediaPlayerPlaying
vlcj: ( | DEBUG | result=0
vlcj: ( | DEBUG | event=libvlc_MediaPlayerPaused
vlcj: ( | DEBUG | result=0
vlcj: ( | DEBUG | event=libvlc_MediaPlayerStopped
vlcj: ( | DEBUG | result=0
vlcj: ( | DEBUG | event=libvlc_MediaPlayerForward
vlcj: ( | DEBUG | result=0
vlcj: ( | DEBUG | event=libvlc_MediaPlayerBackward
vlcj: ( | DEBUG | result=0
vlcj: ( | DEBUG | event=libvlc_MediaPlayerEndReached
vlcj: ( | DEBUG | result=0
vlcj: ( | DEBUG | event=libvlc_MediaPlayerEncounteredError
vlcj: ( | DEBUG | result=0
vlcj: ( | DEBUG | event=libvlc_MediaPlayerTimeChanged
vlcj: ( | DEBUG | result=0
vlcj: ( | DEBUG | event=libvlc_MediaPlayerPositionChanged
vlcj: ( | DEBUG | result=0
vlcj: ( | DEBUG | event=libvlc_MediaPlayerSeekableChanged
vlcj: ( | DEBUG | result=0
vlcj: ( | DEBUG | event=libvlc_MediaPlayerPausableChanged
vlcj: ( | DEBUG | result=0
vlcj: ( | DEBUG | event=libvlc_MediaPlayerTitleChanged
vlcj: ( | DEBUG | result=0
vlcj: ( | DEBUG | event=libvlc_MediaPlayerSnapshotTaken
vlcj: ( | DEBUG | result=0
vlcj: ( | DEBUG | event=libvlc_MediaPlayerLengthChanged
vlcj: ( | DEBUG | result=0
vlcj: ( | DEBUG | setStandardMediaOptions(options=[:sharpen-sigma=2.0, :blur-factor=127, :ipv4-timeout=3000, :no-video-title-show, :loop, :file-caching=300, :sout-all, :sout-keep])
vlcj: ( | DEBUG | newLog()
vlcj: ( | DEBUG | Log(libvlc=Proxy interface to Native Library <C:\PROJECTS\Eclipse\working\workspace\MyVideoPlayer\.\lib\libvlc.dll@1781530624>,instance=native@0x48ed8308)
vlcj: ( | DEBUG | open()
vlcj: ( | DEBUG | setThreshold(threshold=DBG)
vlcj: ( | DEBUG | LogHandler(,period=1000)
vlcj: ( | DEBUG | addLogMessageHandler(
vlcj: ( | DEBUG | start()
vlcj: ( | DEBUG | setAdjustVideo(adjustVideo=true)
vlcj: ( | DEBUG | setBrightness(brightness=1.0)
vlcj: ( | DEBUG | setDeinterlace(deinterlaceMode=PHOSPHOR)
vlcj: ( | DEBUG | setRepeat(repeat=true)
vlcj: ( | DEBUG | setPlaySubItems(playSubItems=true)
vlcj: ( | DEBUG | playMedia(mrl=C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\My Documents\MyVideoPlayer\videos\uav-low.wmv,mediaOptions=[:rtsp-mcast, :sharpen-sigma=2.0, :blur-factor=127, :ipv4-timeout=3000, :no-video-title-show, :loop, :file-caching=300, :sout-all, :sout-keep])
vlcj: ( | DEBUG | prepareMedia(mrl=C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\My Documents\MyVideoPlayer\videos\uav-low.wmv,mediaOptions=[:rtsp-mcast, :sharpen-sigma=2.0, :blur-factor=127, :ipv4-timeout=3000, :no-video-title-show, :loop, :file-caching=300, :sout-all, :sout-keep])
vlcj: ( | DEBUG | setMedia(media=C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\My Documents\MyVideoPlayer\videos\uav-low.wmv,mediaOptions=[:rtsp-mcast, :sharpen-sigma=2.0, :blur-factor=127, :ipv4-timeout=3000, :no-video-title-show, :loop, :file-caching=300, :sout-all, :sout-keep])
vlcj: ( | DEBUG | mediaInstance=native@0x550a0008
vlcj: ( | DEBUG | standardMediaOption=:sharpen-sigma=2.0
vlcj: ( | DEBUG | standardMediaOption=:blur-factor=127
vlcj: ( | DEBUG | standardMediaOption=:ipv4-timeout=3000
vlcj: ( | DEBUG | standardMediaOption=:no-video-title-show
vlcj: ( | DEBUG | standardMediaOption=:loop
vlcj: ( | DEBUG | standardMediaOption=:file-caching=300
vlcj: ( | DEBUG | standardMediaOption=:sout-all
vlcj: ( | DEBUG | standardMediaOption=:sout-keep
vlcj: ( | DEBUG | mediaOption=:rtsp-mcast
vlcj: ( | DEBUG | mediaOption=:sharpen-sigma=2.0
vlcj: ( | DEBUG | mediaOption=:blur-factor=127
vlcj: ( | DEBUG | mediaOption=:ipv4-timeout=3000
vlcj: ( | DEBUG | mediaOption=:no-video-title-show
vlcj: ( | DEBUG | mediaOption=:loop
vlcj: ( | DEBUG | mediaOption=:file-caching=300
vlcj: ( | DEBUG | mediaOption=:sout-all
vlcj: ( | DEBUG | mediaOption=:sout-keep
vlcj: ( | DEBUG | registerMediaEventListener()
vlcj: ( | DEBUG | event=libvlc_MediaMetaChanged
vlcj: ( | DEBUG | result=0
vlcj: ( | DEBUG | event=libvlc_MediaSubItemAdded
vlcj: ( | DEBUG | result=0
vlcj: ( | DEBUG | event=libvlc_MediaDurationChanged
vlcj: ( | DEBUG | result=0
vlcj: ( | DEBUG | event=libvlc_MediaParsedChanged
vlcj: ( | DEBUG | result=0
vlcj: ( | DEBUG | event=libvlc_MediaFreed
vlcj: ( | DEBUG | result=0
vlcj: ( | DEBUG | event=libvlc_MediaStateChanged
vlcj: ( | DEBUG | result=0
vlcj: ( | DEBUG | mediaChanged(
vlcj: ( | DEBUG | play()
vlcj: ( | DEBUG | Raising event for new media
vlcj: ( | DEBUG | playing(
vlcj: ( | DEBUG | subItems()
vlcj: ( | DEBUG | handleSubItems()
vlcj: ( | DEBUG | subItemList=null
vlcj: ( | DEBUG | play()
I will look at this later, but nothing changed in vlcj with regard to media options handling for a long time.
Probably, I will investigate again based on which VLC 2.1.0 version that works. The one that causes this problem is: vlc: 2.1.0-git-20120217-0011 Rincewind, changeset 1.3.0-git-1240-g04c6044
Maybe, you can tell me the nightly build VLC version 2.1.0 that works in your tests last time.
I now use the tagged 2.0 release and I don't see any video title.
There's no real reason anymore for vlcj users to use the bleeding edge vlc now that vlc 2.0 has been released.
Media options like this...
mediaPlayer.playMedia(mrl, ":start-time=120"); work with vlcj 2.0.0 and vlc 2.0.
Some media options syntax in vlc may have changed, or some options were totally removed for all I know. I do know that some options need to be passed to the factory rather than passed via playMedia. But in general, the media options mechanism itself does work. The thing for you to work out is exactly what options are needed to pass to libvlc...
I would add that I don't use Windows, so I'm not testing exactly the same as you. But there's no platform specific code in vlcj in relation to this.
Ok, I have tried VLC 2.0.0 with VLCJ 2.0.0 under Windows XP SP3 using the VLC option :no-video-title-show
but the video title still appeared in the center of the video in the beginning of it. The libVLC message main vout display error: Failed to set on top
also appeared.
The issue never occur when using VLC 1.1.11 with VLC 1.2.0.
However, it does occur when using VLC 2.0.0 with VLCJ 1.2.0.
So, I guess the VLC option no-video-title-show
does no longer work correctly after VLC 1.1.11
_ _
__ _| | ___ (_)
\ \ / / |/ __|| |
\ V /| | (__ | |
\_/ |_|\___|/ | 2.0.0
VLCJ is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
VLCJ is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with VLCJ. If not, see <>.
Copyright 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 Caprica Software Limited.
vlcj: ( | INFO | vlcj: 2.0.0
vlcj: ( | INFO | java: 1.6.0_26 Sun Microsystems Inc.
vlcj: ( | INFO | java home: C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.6.0_26\jre
vlcj: ( | INFO | os: Windows XP 5.1 x86
vlcj: ( | INFO | vlc: 2.0.0 Twoflower, changeset 2.0.0-0-g421a4fc
vlcj: ( | INFO | libvlc: libvlc.dll
vlcj: ( | DEBUG | MediaPlayerFactory(libvlc=Proxy interface to Native Library <libvlc.dll@1781530624>,libvlcArgs=[])
vlcj: ( | DEBUG | jna.library.path=null
vlcj: ( | DEBUG | instance=native@0x30c8b50
vlcj: ( | DEBUG | newDirectMediaPlayer(width=640,height=480,renderCallback=com.ste.core.VideoPanel$TestRenderCallback@148bd3)
vlcj: ( | DEBUG | newDirectMediaPlayer(format=RV32,width=640,height=480,pitch=2560,renderCallback=com.ste.core.VideoPanel$TestRenderCallback@148bd3)
vlcj: ( | DEBUG | DefaultMediaPlayer(libvlc=Proxy interface to Native Library <libvlc.dll@1781530624>, instance=native@0x30c8b50)
vlcj: ( | DEBUG | createInstance()
vlcj: ( | DEBUG | mediaPlayerInstance=native@0x56a60d0
vlcj: ( | DEBUG | mediaPlayerEventManager=native@0x5610548
vlcj: ( | DEBUG | registerEventListener()
vlcj: ( | DEBUG | event=libvlc_MediaPlayerMediaChanged
vlcj: ( | DEBUG | result=0
vlcj: ( | DEBUG | event=libvlc_MediaPlayerNothingSpecial
vlcj: ( | DEBUG | result=0
vlcj: ( | DEBUG | event=libvlc_MediaPlayerOpening
vlcj: ( | DEBUG | result=0
vlcj: ( | DEBUG | event=libvlc_MediaPlayerBuffering
vlcj: ( | DEBUG | result=0
vlcj: ( | DEBUG | event=libvlc_MediaPlayerPlaying
vlcj: ( | DEBUG | result=0
vlcj: ( | DEBUG | event=libvlc_MediaPlayerPaused
vlcj: ( | DEBUG | result=0
vlcj: ( | DEBUG | event=libvlc_MediaPlayerStopped
vlcj: ( | DEBUG | result=0
vlcj: ( | DEBUG | event=libvlc_MediaPlayerForward
vlcj: ( | DEBUG | result=0
vlcj: ( | DEBUG | event=libvlc_MediaPlayerBackward
vlcj: ( | DEBUG | result=0
vlcj: ( | DEBUG | event=libvlc_MediaPlayerEndReached
vlcj: ( | DEBUG | result=0
vlcj: ( | DEBUG | event=libvlc_MediaPlayerEncounteredError
vlcj: ( | DEBUG | result=0
vlcj: ( | DEBUG | event=libvlc_MediaPlayerTimeChanged
vlcj: ( | DEBUG | result=0
vlcj: ( | DEBUG | event=libvlc_MediaPlayerPositionChanged
vlcj: ( | DEBUG | result=0
vlcj: ( | DEBUG | event=libvlc_MediaPlayerSeekableChanged
vlcj: ( | DEBUG | result=0
vlcj: ( | DEBUG | event=libvlc_MediaPlayerPausableChanged
vlcj: ( | DEBUG | result=0
vlcj: ( | DEBUG | event=libvlc_MediaPlayerTitleChanged
vlcj: ( | DEBUG | result=0
vlcj: ( | DEBUG | event=libvlc_MediaPlayerSnapshotTaken
vlcj: ( | DEBUG | result=0
vlcj: ( | DEBUG | event=libvlc_MediaPlayerLengthChanged
vlcj: ( | DEBUG | result=0
vlcj: ( | DEBUG | event=libvlc_MediaPlayerVout
vlcj: ( | DEBUG | result=0
vlcj: ( | DEBUG | setStandardMediaOptions(options=[:rtsp-mcast, :sharpen-sigma=2.0, :blur-factor=127, :ipv4-timeout=3000, :no-video-title-show, :loop, :file-caching=300, :sout-all, :sout-keep])
vlcj: ( | DEBUG | setRepeat(repeat=true)
vlcj: ( | DEBUG | setPlaySubItems(playSubItems=true)
vlcj: ( | DEBUG | playMedia(mrl=,mediaOptions=[:rtsp-mcast, :sharpen-sigma=2.0, :blur-factor=127, :ipv4-timeout=3000, :no-video-title-show, :loop, :file-caching=300, :sout-all, :sout-keep])
vlcj: ( | DEBUG | prepareMedia(mrl=,mediaOptions=[:rtsp-mcast, :sharpen-sigma=2.0, :blur-factor=127, :ipv4-timeout=3000, :no-video-title-show, :loop, :file-caching=300, :sout-all, :sout-keep])
vlcj: ( | DEBUG | setMedia(media=,mediaOptions=[:rtsp-mcast, :sharpen-sigma=2.0, :blur-factor=127, :ipv4-timeout=3000, :no-video-title-show, :loop, :file-caching=300, :sout-all, :sout-keep])
vlcj: ( | DEBUG | mediaInstance=native@0x56a1ae8
vlcj: ( | DEBUG | standardMediaOption=:rtsp-mcast
vlcj: ( | DEBUG | standardMediaOption=:sharpen-sigma=2.0
vlcj: ( | DEBUG | standardMediaOption=:blur-factor=127
vlcj: ( | DEBUG | standardMediaOption=:ipv4-timeout=3000
vlcj: ( | DEBUG | standardMediaOption=:no-video-title-show
vlcj: ( | DEBUG | standardMediaOption=:loop
vlcj: ( | DEBUG | standardMediaOption=:file-caching=300
vlcj: ( | DEBUG | standardMediaOption=:sout-all
vlcj: ( | DEBUG | standardMediaOption=:sout-keep
vlcj: ( | DEBUG | mediaOption=:rtsp-mcast
vlcj: ( | DEBUG | mediaOption=:sharpen-sigma=2.0
vlcj: ( | DEBUG | mediaOption=:blur-factor=127
vlcj: ( | DEBUG | mediaOption=:ipv4-timeout=3000
vlcj: ( | DEBUG | mediaOption=:no-video-title-show
vlcj: ( | DEBUG | mediaOption=:loop
vlcj: ( | DEBUG | mediaOption=:file-caching=300
vlcj: ( | DEBUG | mediaOption=:sout-all
vlcj: ( | DEBUG | mediaOption=:sout-keep
vlcj: ( | DEBUG | registerMediaEventListener()
vlcj: ( | DEBUG | event=libvlc_MediaMetaChanged
vlcj: ( | DEBUG | result=0
vlcj: ( | DEBUG | event=libvlc_MediaSubItemAdded
vlcj: ( | DEBUG | result=0
vlcj: ( | DEBUG | event=libvlc_MediaDurationChanged
vlcj: ( | DEBUG | result=0
vlcj: ( | DEBUG | event=libvlc_MediaParsedChanged
vlcj: ( | DEBUG | result=0
vlcj: ( | DEBUG | event=libvlc_MediaFreed
vlcj: ( | DEBUG | result=0
vlcj: ( | DEBUG | event=libvlc_MediaStateChanged
vlcj: ( | DEBUG | result=0
vlcj: ( | DEBUG | mediaChanged(
vlcj: ( | DEBUG | Raising event for new media
vlcj: ( | DEBUG | play()
vlcj: ( | DEBUG | subItems()
vlcj: ( | DEBUG | handleSubItems()
vlcj: ( | DEBUG | subItemList=null
vlcj: ( | DEBUG | play()
[mov,mp4,m4a,3gp,3g2,mj2 @ 056c0020] max_analyze_duration reached
[05ab00a8] main vout display error: Failed to set on top
[05b6d870] freetype spu text error: Breaking unbreakable line
vlcj: ( | DEBUG | stop()
vlcj: ( | DEBUG | release()
vlcj: ( | DEBUG | destroyInstance()
vlcj: ( | DEBUG | Detach media events...
vlcj: ( | DEBUG | deregisterMediaEventListener()
vlcj: ( | DEBUG | event=libvlc_MediaMetaChanged
vlcj: ( | DEBUG | event=libvlc_MediaSubItemAdded
vlcj: ( | DEBUG | event=libvlc_MediaDurationChanged
vlcj: ( | DEBUG | event=libvlc_MediaParsedChanged
vlcj: ( | DEBUG | event=libvlc_MediaFreed
vlcj: ( | DEBUG | event=libvlc_MediaStateChanged
vlcj: ( | DEBUG | Media events detached.
vlcj: ( | DEBUG | Release media...
vlcj: ( | DEBUG | Media released.
vlcj: ( | DEBUG | Detach media player events...
vlcj: ( | DEBUG | deregisterEventListener()
vlcj: ( | DEBUG | event=libvlc_MediaPlayerMediaChanged
vlcj: ( | DEBUG | event=libvlc_MediaPlayerNothingSpecial
vlcj: ( | DEBUG | event=libvlc_MediaPlayerOpening
vlcj: ( | DEBUG | event=libvlc_MediaPlayerBuffering
vlcj: ( | DEBUG | event=libvlc_MediaPlayerPlaying
vlcj: ( | DEBUG | event=libvlc_MediaPlayerPaused
vlcj: ( | DEBUG | event=libvlc_MediaPlayerStopped
vlcj: ( | DEBUG | event=libvlc_MediaPlayerForward
vlcj: ( | DEBUG | event=libvlc_MediaPlayerBackward
vlcj: ( | DEBUG | event=libvlc_MediaPlayerEndReached
vlcj: ( | DEBUG | event=libvlc_MediaPlayerEncounteredError
vlcj: ( | DEBUG | event=libvlc_MediaPlayerTimeChanged
vlcj: ( | DEBUG | event=libvlc_MediaPlayerPositionChanged
vlcj: ( | DEBUG | event=libvlc_MediaPlayerSeekableChanged
vlcj: ( | DEBUG | event=libvlc_MediaPlayerPausableChanged
vlcj: ( | DEBUG | event=libvlc_MediaPlayerTitleChanged
vlcj: ( | DEBUG | event=libvlc_MediaPlayerSnapshotTaken
vlcj: ( | DEBUG | event=libvlc_MediaPlayerLengthChanged
vlcj: ( | DEBUG | event=libvlc_MediaPlayerVout
vlcj: ( | DEBUG | Media player events detached.
vlcj: ( | DEBUG | Release media player...
vlcj: ( | DEBUG | Media player released.
vlcj: ( | DEBUG | Shut down listeners...
vlcj: ( | DEBUG | Listeners shut down.
vlcj: ( | DEBUG | release()
What if you pass "--no-video-title-show" when you create the media player factory? Does that work? Note the dashes rather than the colon.
I noticed you use standard media options and then you use the same media options again when you play the media - maybe that's just because you're trying things out to try and fix it, but you shouldn't pass the same options both ways at the same time.
I have done both when using VLCJ 1.2.0 or VLCJ 2.0.0 with libVLC 2.0.0+ : --no-video-title-show
and :no-video-title-show
. Same result: the video title still appears. I have no problem with this using VLCJ 1.2.0 + libVLC 1.1.11
Also, I have no problem calling standard media options method and later repeat the same options when calling playMedia method or whatever play media method in VLCJ 1.2.0 + libVLC 1.1.11.
I suspect the problem is with libVLC 2.0.0+ which is out of your concern. I haven't tried libVLC 1.2.0 yet since this one is not released as a stable anymore. I will try this one from the VLC nightly build tree later...
I hope someone will report the non-working :no-video-title-show
option style as a bug in libVLC 2.0.0+
VLC states that in VLC command-line option help as:
--option A global option that is set for the duration of the program.
-option A single letter version of a global --option.
:option An option that only applies to the stream directly before it
and that overrides previous settings.
The VLC 2.0.0 does work when passing --no-video-title-show
as a command-line argument
vlc.exe --no-video-title-show
The VLC 2.0.0 does not work when passing :no-video-title-show
as a command-line argument
vlc.exe :no-video-title-show
In VLC 1.1.11, both command option styles --
or :
I asked this before... I don't think you answered clearly - did you try passing the options to the factory rather than when you playMedia?
No, I didn't. I passed the option string array using DirectMediaPlayer.playMedia(mrl, options);
The instance of DirectMediaPlayer
was created by MediaPlayerFactory.newDirectMediaPlayer(width, height, testRenderCallback);
They did appear in the the VLCJ debug logs anyway...
As I've mentioned, this worked fine using VLCJ 1.2.0 + libVLC 1.1.11.
factory = new MediaPlayerFactory();
testRenderCallback = new TestRenderCallback();
mediaPlayer = factory.newDirectMediaPlayer(width, height, testRenderCallback);
String[] options = {
//some codes in between
mediaPlayer.playMedia(mrl, options);
Well why don't you try it via the factory?
Even if you keep repeating the fact that it worked on later (edit: earlier) versions, that fact is not going to help you.
I am trying to give you a workaround to help you.
I don't think I can help any more. Perhaps you should consider reporting this in the vlc Trac.
Even if you keep repeating the fact that it worked on later versions, that fact is not going to help you.
No, I've repeatedly said that VLCJ 1.2.0 (which is older than VLCJ 2.0.0) only worked with libVLC 1.1.11. But, VLCJ 1.2.0 didn't work well with libVLC 2.0.0++.
I did agree that this was not your concern anymore and that was why I've hoped that someone would report this possible bug when running libVLC 2.0.0+ with :no-video-title-show
Sorry, that was a typo on my part.
There's nothing that prevents you from reporting the assumed vlc bug yourself rather than relying on someone else to do it for you.
New ticket #6192 has been created at VLC bug tracking site:
I've just got the latest #6192 response from coursmich, he says:
Vout recycling is what avoids ugly flickering when going from one video to the next one. It implies the same video output is used for multiple input items, so it is not possible to provide per-item configuration.
You need to use --no-video-title-show instead. This is a global setting.
OK, I unable to make sure this thing (disable video title) works again since vout changes in 2.0.x doesn't allow per-item configuration of the same video output, rendering per-item option :no-video-title-show
However, I've tried to pass the global option --no-video-title-show
as a command option in the options string array in MediaPlayer.playMedia(mrl, options)
as in the following code example, but it doesn't have any effect with VLCJ 2.0.0 + libVLC 2.0.1. It works well only under VLC command line mode but not with VLCJ. Can you verify it correct as to what I have tested just now?
factory = new MediaPlayerFactory();
testRenderCallback = new TestRenderCallback();
mediaPlayer = factory.newDirectMediaPlayer(width, height, testRenderCallback);
String[] options = {
//some codes in between
mediaPlayer.playMedia(mrl, options);
Quoting myself...
some options need to be passed to the factory rather than passed via playMedia
did you try passing the options to the factory rather than when you playMedia
What if you pass "--no-video-title-show" when you create the media player factory?
Well why don't you try it via the factory?
Passing the option to the factory has always worked. It is in fact what most of the vlcj examples do.
Ok, VLCJ provides two ways to pass option string array; either from a factory or a media player--doing the same thing that is passing VLC options--but, unluckily, they behave differently. Why it is designed like that?
Thanks, anyway. I will work on your suggestion.
Ask the vlc developers why it's designed like that.
No one ever stated, not vlc and not vlcj, that those two ways to pass options amount to the same thing. In fact, I already asserted that they are different, they work differently and are used for different reasons.
Really, this issue could have been solved in 30 seconds if you were pragmatic rather than dogmatic. Instead we have 20-some comments going back over a month!
I'm not going to make any further comment on this because there is a reasonable solution already for it.
Wow! I am just asking from my curiosity to learn and share. Probably, it is because I am not a native English speaker, so I am not exposed a lot to many cultures, taboos or whatever interesting things in this world. I am not in any way want to hurt your feelings, mister. Sorry, if it sounds different to your tone of understanding or is too wordy or is not direct to the point.
Anyway, I may need your support in other issues that may arise in the future that I am not mastering of. Chill. Thanks again.
By the way, your suggestion works fine.
Erm... my feelings are not hurt. I am simply trying to help you in the most efficient way possible since time is limited and you are not paying for this support. The answer to this particular problem has always been to pass the argument to the factory. That should be the end of the story. No offence intended.