
Star this repo and beginners: go through readme before solving any issues

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Star this repo and beginners: go through readme before solving any issues

Hey shantam0810! I have followed all the instructions given in the README, however I am still running into an error while executing the node app.js command. Any suggestions? Apologies for the inconvinience.

Absolutely no problem.

Kindly install node.js from their page.

Download the windows installer .msi if you haven't done so.
Run commands....

  1. node -v
  2. npm -v

Both these commands should show some output other than "command not found". Kindly show me the output of the above commands

Then if above commands show output, try running all the commands.

  1. Npm init
  2. Npm install {all dependencies} --save
  3. Node app.js

Both node and npm are present and upto date!


No luck! Still running into the same errors. Could it be an issue on my end?