
add a className

Closed this issue · 4 comments

is it possible to add a class to the Sticky element when the element's stickiness is activated?

you can do this by checking the isSticky variable. The way i'm doing this is with

<Sticky {...stickyProps}>
  {({ style, isSticky }) => {
    var className = classNameFactory("article-header", {
      "article-header--sticky": isSticky

    return (
        <section className={className} style={style}>

What is { ...stickyProps } ? I don't see that in the documentation...

vcarl commented

That appears to be code from @martinbroos' code, not the library. It's not related to how to apply a className to an element when it's sticky.

vcarl commented

I formatted his snippet with Prettier, here it is without some of the intermediate values and unnecessary props.

  {({ style, isSticky }) => (
        className={classNames("article-header", {
          "article-header--sticky": isSticky