
ddcal worker fails with " ImportError: cannot import name 'write_ds9' from 'regions' "

Opened this issue · 5 comments


the ddcal worker fails when importing write_ds9 from regions. I checked the code and it says that the relative line should be rewritten since write_ds9 does not exist anymore (line 273 of Has anyone solved this already?

Alessandro Benati

Hi @a-benati,

Thanks for opening the issue.
Currently, this is resolved by pinning the version of regions==0.7.
It should be the case if you are running with the latest caracal release version or even master installed using the poetry.lock file.
Please confirm the version of caracal and the installation steps used.

Best regards

Hi @Athanaseus,

thanks for your answer. I am working with caracal version 1.1.3 and I have installed it through singularity. The output of the command pip freeze | grep regions is: regions==0.7, which I think means that I already have that version of regions.

Yes, that's right. Sorry, this was meant to be regions==0.5.
Try the above. In the meantime, I'll push a fix with the latest regions, and you can help test it also.

@a-benati please checkout update_regions branch or pip install git+

@Athanaseus thank you very much for your help. I managed to solve the issue by pinning the version of regions==0.5. As long as my current run finishes, I will also test the new version of the code.