
Compatibility with `cardano-node` version `8.0.0`

sourabhxyz opened this issue ยท 10 comments

The problem that you wish to solve

To have cardano-wallet compatible with cardano-node version 8.0.0.


To update for dependencies and incorporate breaking changes, if any.

Implementation suggestions

No response

Hi @sourabhxyz

Many thanks for creating this issue.

Compatibility with node version 8.0.0 is almost certainly on our roadmap for the near future.

We'll endeavour to post an update once we have more news.

Thanks again!

Any timeline on this yet?

@RdeWilde wrote:

Any timeline on this yet?

No precise timeline yet, but it's something we're aiming to do very soon. (It's near the top of our list of current work items.)

Will post more as soon as we have some news.

any news on this?

@Dark345 #4003 has already been merged to master

@Dark345 #4003 has already been merged to master

do you know when we'll have a tagged/official release?

Unisay commented

do you know when we'll have a tagged/official release?

I don't have a date for you but release is the next top priority, so we'll make it asap.

Status update: We're still working macOS support.

Status update: We're still working macOS support.

I can see v2023-07-18 but it's lacking docs and pre-built binaries

I have just published the release v2023-07-18:

I can see v2023-07-18 but it's lacking docs and pre-built binaries

We use Git tags to prepare a release, but the release is not official until we publish it on .

Closing this issue. Feel free to open new issues if you find problems with this release.