
An easy to use payment gateway for Ruby. Payment is used to process credit cards and electronic cash through merchant accounts like Authorize.Net.

Primary LanguageRuby

== Welcome to Payment

Payment is used to process credit cards and electronic cash through merchant accounts.

To choose a gateway, require 'payment/gateway_name'. For example, if you want to use Authorize.net, do a require 'payment/authorize_net'. If you would like to use multiple gateways in the same code, simply do a require 'payment' and it will grab each gateway's code for you.

Payment was inspired by and has borrowed much of its infrastructure from the Business::OnlinePayment Perl module (http://search.cpan.org/~jasonk/Business-OnlinePayment-2.01/OnlinePayment.pm).

If you would like to loosely check the validity of a credit card without using a merchant account, look at the CreditCard module (http://rubyforge.org/projects/creditcard/).

== Example

    require 'payment/authorize_net'

    transaction = Payment::AuthorizeNet.new (
                      :login       => 'username',
                      :password    => 'password',
                      :amount      => '49.95',
                      :card_number => '4012888818888',
                      :expiration  => '03/10',
                      :first_name  => 'John',
                      :last_name   => 'Doe'
      puts "Card processed successfully: #{transaction.authorization}"
      puts "Card was rejected: #{transaction.error_message}"

To set default values, setup a file called .payment.yml in the home directory of the user who will be using this library. An example file would be:

    username: my_account
    transaction_key: my_trans_key

That way there is no need to keep sensitive information in your application's code itself. To specify an alternative configuration file, add a :prefs => '/path/to/file.yml' to the initialization parameters.
== Currently Supported Gateways

* Authorize.Net (authorize_net) - http://www.authorize.net

== Upcoming Gateways

* Moneris - http://www.moneris.com
* Skipjack - http://www.skipjack.com

== Planned Support for the Following Gateways

* Trust Commerce - http://www.trustcommerce.com
* Verisign Payflow Pro - http://www.verisign.com
* Cardstream - http://www.cardstream.com
* Beanstream - http://www.beanstream.com
* Vital - http://www.vitalps.com
* Merchant Commerce - http://www.innuity.com
* iAuthorizer - http://www.iauthorizer.com
* Electronic Clearing House, Inc. - http://www.echo-inc.com
* Bank of America eStores - http://www.bankofamerica.com
* Network1Financial - http://www.eftsecure.com
* eSec - http://www.esecpayments.com.au
* Ingenico OCV - http://www.ingenico.com.au
* St.George IPG - https://www.ipg.stgeorge.com.au
* Jettis - http://www.jettis.com
* PaymentsGateway.Net - http://www.paymentsgateway.net
* PayConnect - http://www.paymentone.com
* Secure Hosting UPG - http://www.securehosting.com

== About

Author::    Lucas Carlson  (mailto:lucas@rufy.com)
Copyright:: Copyright (c) 2005 Lucas Carlson
License::   Distributes under the same terms as Ruby