
testing artificial example notebook

Opened this issue · 2 comments


Thanks make available the calculations!, I was testing the artificial example notebook and I came accross some issues:

  1. the method definition is after the database definition, which causes an error because the biosphere flows are not defined (order needs to be switched)
  2. DynamicLCA receives an argument now that it does not accept (I guess this has been changed to t0)
  3. dlca has no object test (here I have no idea how to continue)

I guess this notebook was done a while ago and the temporalis code has changed since...

yep you got the point, something has changed and did not update the notebook :S
For point 1 and 2 you are right. For point 3 I added the method just for the purpose of this work. I later on (wrongly) deleted it thinking was not useful anymore. Will search in the old codes and re-add it updating the notebook as well ASAP

Good evening,
I was implementing the artificial example and also came across the #3 issue (method test not available). I noticed that you updated the package "tests" (thanks!), but I couldnt manage to get the right code (since I am new to programming).
So instead of
dyn_pr={k[1]:v for k,v in dlca.test.items()} I guess the new line starts with
dyn_pr={k[1]:v for k,v in bw2temporalis.tests.dlca. - but what does the rest look like? I tried several but didnt succeed, sorry. If you could help me out, I would be thrilled. Thank you in advance!