
Quickstart Blender and the Blender API

Intro to Blender

Quickstart Blender

Navigating the 3D Scene

  • Middle mouse click to rotate
  • Middle mouse scroll to zoom
  • Shift-Middle mouse click to strafe

Basic Manipulation

  • Press Tab key to get into Edit Mode
  • Basic manipulation tools are under the Tools panel
    • Guides can help you translate, scale, or rotate

Basic Selection

  • B and Left mouse click to box select
  • A to toggle between select everything and deselect everything
  • Right click to select element
  • Select vertex, edge, or face by toggling the options
  • Shift-Right click

Model a House

  • Scale the cube up in the Y direction
  • Select the top vertices
  • Extrude in the Z direction twice
  • Scale the top face down in the X
  • Select the roof and scale up in the X and Y direction
  • Translate the roof so it sits on top of the house

Make Windows

  • Loop cut and Slide or Ctrl-R twice horizontally to create parallel edge loops
    • Left click to confirm the orientation of the loop
    • Enter or Left click to confirm the location of the loop
    • A to deselect the edge loop after creation
  • Loop cut and Slide a couple times vertically
  • Knife is an alternative to Loop cute and Slide for making new edges
    • See Make a Door section for Knife instructions
  • Select a window face and extrude

Make a Door

  • Knife two cuts to create the door outline
    • Click to anchor the point
    • Enter to confirm
  • Extrude to create a door


  • Click Render to render
  • Adjust the camera if need be
  • Change the lamp to Sun
  • Change the render to Cycles Renderer
  • Observe the difference between rendering engines
  • Click Save in the File dropdown
    • Will save as .blend


Apply Color

  • Change the render to Blender Renderer
  • Change Diffuse color
  • Re-render to see colored house

Apply Texture

  • In Texture tab, change Type to Image or Movie
  • Under Image, click Open
    • Open house_texture.jpg
  • Change the method of display for the 3D view to show
  • Render

Unwrap UVs

  • Drag to create another window to improve workflow
  • Set that window to display UV\Image Editor
  • In the 3D View, Tab into Edit Mode
  • A to select all
  • U to bring up UV Map
    • Unwrap to unwrap UVs
  • U to bring up UV Map
    • Smart UV Project to smartly unwrap UVs
  • Open house_texture.jpg as Image in UV\Image Editor
  • Select portions of the house in the 3D View and select their equivalent UV
  • Move and scale the UVs to color the house appropriately
    • Use shortcuts for Translate (G), Rotate (R), and Scale (S)

  • Set Mapping in Texture tab to be UV
  • Render


Create Animation

  • I to set keyframe at 0
  • Move to frame 60 on the Timeline
  • Rotate the sun lamp
  • I to set new keyframe
  • Change Final Frame to 60
  • Set the output render directory
  • Render animation

Video Edit

  • Set screen layout to Video Edit
  • Add Image
    • Navigate to rendered output directory
    • Set End Frame to 60
    • Select all images in sequence
  • Change Frame Rate to 30
  • Select rendering format
    • Depends on available codecs
  • Render Animation

Intro to Blender API

Quickstart Blender API (Blender v2.74)

Setup Environment

  • Start the Blender Console Window
    • In some operating systems, it might require exiting Blender
    • The Console Window is where all the errors and print statements log to
  • Set the screen layout to Scripting
    • Python interactive Window (bottom) is a REPL
    • Text Editor (left) is a built-in text editor for running scripts
    • 3D View (right) is the default 3D View
    • Logger (top) will log UI interactions as API calls with their parameters


Python Interactive Console

  • Type print(hello world)
  • Make a Cube
    • Start in Object mode
    • Delete all existing cubes
    • Hover over the create cube UI (Create tab, Cube button) will bring up a tool tip with API call
    • Enter function bpy.ops.mesh.primitive_cube_add() in Interactive Console
    • Delete the created cube
    • Use the create cube UI to create a cube
    • Observe the API call with all its parameters are logged
    • Enter bpy.ops.mesh.primitive_cube_add(location=(1,2,5)) to create a cube in a different location
    • Documentation for primitive_cube_add

Accessing Cube

  • Delete all cubes in the scene
  • Create a new cube
  • Observe Cube Object in the Outliner window
  • Click on + next to Cube to expand Cube Object
    • The Cube.xxx is the name of the Cube Mesh (Mesh is a type of Blender Data Object which holds 3D data)
  • In the Python Interactive Console, access the Cube Object by indexing its name into bpy.data.objects
  • In the Console, change the name of Cube
    • Cube can no longer be accessed from bpy.data.objects, instead use Box

Manipulating Cube

  • mesh = bpy.data.objects['Box'].data or mesh = bpy.data.meshes['Cube.005']
  • mesh.vertices[0].co to get the coordinates of the 0th vertex
  • mesh.vertices[0].co = (5, 1, -1) to change the coordinate

Text Editor

  • Click New to create a new Python script
  • Can load existing script with Open
    • If you change the original script, loaded script will not update realtime
    • Instead Blender will prompt you to quick reload to sync with your original script
  • When you save the .blend file, Blender will save a copy of the script at the time
import bpy

  • Run script
  • Errors and print statements from the Text Editor will be logged to the Console Window

Making a House

  • Every "action" in Blender is an operator call, and they poll to determine what mode they're in
    • Some only work in Edit Mode and others in Object Mode
    • Example: Extrude only works in Edit Mode and the API call will throw an exception if not in Edit mode
  • You need to have a new cube created and selected (this code turns a new cube into a house)
import bpy #Import Blender bpy module
import bmesh #Import Blender bmesh module for selecting verticies

#Expects a cube created around the center (0,0,0) and selected

#Scale body of the house
bpy.ops.object.mode_set(mode="EDIT") #Change into edit mode
bpy.ops.transform.resize(value=(1,2,1)) #Scale up in the Y direction only
bpy.ops.mesh.select_all(action="DESELECT") #Deselect all vertices

#Select the top vertices
#In this case, the top vertices should have z coordinates greater than 0
#Use bmesh, another Blender module, to assign the vertex selection to True
#We select the face, and not the verticies because in the UI,
# the face is autoselected all of its verticies are selected
mesh = bmesh.from_edit_mesh(bpy.context.object.data) #Need to load in context for bmesh
mesh.faces.ensure_lookup_table() #Might be 2.74+ specific
for face in mesh.faces:
    vertices = face.verts
    all_above_zero = True #Only select the face if all its vertices have z > 0
    for vert in vertices:
        x,y,z = vert.co
        if z <= 0:
            all_above_zero = False
    if all_above_zero:
        face.select = True    

#Extrude twice in the Z direction

#Scale down roof top, the selected vertices, in the X direction
bpy.ops.transform.resize(value=(0.3,1,1)) #Scale down only in X
bpy.ops.mesh.select_all(action="DESELECT") #Deselect all verticies

#Select all the faces associated with the roof
#Same as select roof top, except set a higher cutoff than 0
mesh = bmesh.from_edit_mesh(bpy.context.object.data)
for face in mesh.faces:
    vertices = face.verts
    all_above = True
    for vert in vertices:
        x,y,z = vert.co
        if z <= 1.2:
            all_above = False
    if all_above:
        face.select = True

#Scale up roof
bpy.ops.transform.resize(value=(1.3,1.2,1)) #Scale up in the X and Y direction

#Move roof down
bpy.ops.transform.translate(value=(0,0,-0.3)) #Translate in the Z direction

#Deselect and return to object mode
  • Run the above script will turn a cube into a house

Final Code

  • Refactored so it looks a bit nicer
  • You still need to have a new cube created and selected (this code turns a new cube into a house)
import bpy
import bmesh

def scale_body():

def select_above(value):
    mesh = bmesh.from_edit_mesh(bpy.context.object.data)
    for face in mesh.faces:
        vertices = face.verts
        all_above_value = True
        for vert in vertices:
            x,y,z = vert.co
            if z <= value:
                all_above_value = False
        if all_above_value:
            face.select = True    

def extrude_twice():

def scale_down_roof_top():

def scale_up_roof():

def translate_roof():

def deselect_and_cleanup():



  • Add-Ons are additional features that can be loaded and used in Blender
  • Blender comes with a large set in Files > User Preferences > Add-Ons
  • Example Add-On
  • This follow is the above script turned into an Add-On
  • Still need to create a new cube and select it before running the Add-On
import bpy
import bmesh

bl_info = {
    "name": "Turn Cube into House",
    "category": "OBJECT",

#Subclass Operator to create your own operator (bpy.ops....)
#First comment inside the operator will be the tool tip description
#bl_idname is determines how the operator is invoked
class TurnCubeIntoHouse(bpy.types.Operator):
    """Turn a Cube centered around (0,0,0) into a house"""
    bl_idname = "object.turn_cube_into_house"
    bl_label = "Turn Cube Into House"
    bl_options = {"REGISTER", "UNDO"}
    #execute is what happens this operator is called
    def execute(self, context):
        #for simplicity, not going to pass context into the other methods
        #the other methods should act on the given context, instead of
        #fetching the context themselves
        #Need to return finished
        return {"FINISHED"}

    def scale_body(self):

    def select_above(self, value):
        mesh = bmesh.from_edit_mesh(bpy.context.object.data)
        for face in mesh.faces:
            vertices = face.verts
            all_above_value = True
            for vert in vertices:
                x,y,z = vert.co
                if z <= value:
                    all_above_value = False
            if all_above_value:
                face.select = True    

    def extrude_twice(self):

    def scale_down_roof_top(self):

    def scale_up_roof(self):

    def translate_roof(self):

    def deselect_and_cleanup(self):

def register():
def unregister():
if __name__ == "__main__":
  • Execute the script from the Text Editor
    • Nothing visually will change
    • However, press Spacebar and type Turn Cube into House will find the newly registered Operator
    • Clicking on Turn Cube into House will turn cube into house
  • If you make changes to the Add-On, you need to unregister and then register again, in the same session

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