
Steps to get working on digital ocean image debian 10.2 (buster) with debops 1.2.1

Opened this issue · 1 comments

luken commented

The first issue seen without doing the below mods is that the pki-user (and presumably group) don't get created on the node and the wordpress step errors out.

Add the extra inventory config variables (inventory/group_vars/all/custom_vars.yml):

ansible_python_interpreter: "/usr/bin/python3"

pki_acme_install: True
pki_acme: True
pki_enabled: True

Run the debops bootstrap and debops configuration stages. The comment out the pki_* variables out:

ansible_python_interpreter: "/usr/bin/python3"

pki_acme_install: True
pki_acme: True
#pki_enabled: True

mkdir -p /home/$user/debops-wordpress/inventory/../secret/pki/realms/by-host/$fqdn/$fqdn/external/
mkdir -p /home/$user/debops-wordpress/inventory/../secret/pki/realms/by-host/$fqdn/$fqdn/internal/

now run the 'debops wordpress' step

Without the mkdir's the wordpress step errors out on task "TASK [debops.pki : Download public realm contents by host]" due to:
If you are using a module and expect the file to exist on the remote, see the remote_src option
Could not find or access '/home/$user/debops-wordpress/inventory/../secret/pki/realms/by-host/$fqdn/$fqdn/internal/' on the Ansible Controller.

luken commented

ON the second attempt, also had
wordpress__multisite: True

While the process completed, it had an invalid ssl cert (likely self signed) and gave a bad gateway error when trying to access.