
Demand the required modules in node.js

Primary LanguageJavaScript


demand.js is a single method module allowing node.js developers to be sure that required modules for their applications are available without having to bundle the modules with their scripts.

If a module you require is missing, demand.js will automatically ask the user to install it. The user is presented with 3 choices; yes, no or global. The last option global installs the module globally (available from all node.js applications).


Since demand.js is loading modules, it would be crazy having it self as a module. With this said, demand.js may be implemented in any way suitable for your needs. You may place the js file wherever you want and require it or just copy paste either the readable or minified version of it into your code.

I suggest you copy paste the code. Don't worry about any license, just buy me a beer.


demand(<module(s)>, <callback>);

Where module(s) may be a string representing a single module or an Array of strings each representing a module. The callback will repsond in the same manner you requested the modules. A single string will make the callback respond with a single argument and an array will return an array with all require responses in the same order requested.

// single
demand("colors", function (data) {

	var colors = data;


// multiple
demand(["underscore", "coffee-script"], function(data) {

	var underscore = data[0],
		coffee = data[1];



In this example we assume demand.js is placed in the same folder as the running script and we would like to make sure we have commander and colors modules.

var demand    = require("./demand.js").demand,

    commander = null,
    colors    = null;

demand(["commander", "colors"], function (data) {

    commander = data[0];
    colors    = data[1];



Carl Calderon: @carlcalderon


demand.js is licensed under beerware-license