Highly skilled Symfony & ElasticSearch Developer with exceptional insight and knowledge of Symfony and ElasticSearch on physical machines and AWS Cloud Environments. High attention to detail with all the code I write as well as a TDD and BDD advocate as tests before code mean you can have a high confidence your code will work when it gets out to the user. This is enhanced by my love for CI and automated tests running before every merge is acceptable. Also a skilled SRE with an active interest in Kubernetes and IaC, because managing 100 servers by hand was never a fun job, even at the best of times.


  • DevOps in mind at all times
  • Test / Business / Domain Driven Design (depending on project)
  • CQRS Design Pattern
  • SOLID Principles
  • Cross Functional Teams
  • Agile Development & Scrum
  • Strong problem-solving abilities, passion, and attention to detail
  • Self-driven, motivated, and capable of taking full ownership of tasks and deliverables