
A Javascript Chinese chess/cchess/Xiangqi library for Xiangqi move generation/validation, piece placement/movement, and check/checkmate/draw detection

Primary LanguageJavaScriptBSD 2-Clause "Simplified" LicenseBSD-2-Clause


xiangqi.js is a Javascript xiangqi library that is used for xiangqi move generation/validation, piece placement/movement, and check/checkmate/stalemate detection - basically everything but the AI.

xiangqi.js has been extensively tested in node.js and most modern browsers.

Example Code

The code below plays a complete game of xiangqi ... randomly.

const Xiangqi = require('./xiangqi').Xiangqi;
const xiangqi = new Xiangqi();

while (!xiangqi.game_over()) {
  const moves = xiangqi.moves();
  const move = moves[Math.floor(Math.random() * moves.length)];

Need a user interface? Try lengyanyu258's excellent xiangqiboard.js library. See xiangqiboard.js - Random vs Random for an example integration of xiangqi.js with xiangqiboard.js.


Constructor: Xiangqi([ fen ])

The Xiangqi() constructor takes an optional parameter which specifies the board configuration in Forsyth-Edwards Notation. But there are many differences between Chess FEN and Xiangqi FEN.

// board defaults to the starting position when called with no parameters
const xiangqi = new Xiangqi();

// pass in a FEN string to load a particular position
const xiangqi = new Xiangqi('5kC2/4a1N2/3a5/9/9/9/9/r3C4/4p4/2rK4R r - - 0 1');


Returns a string containing an ASCII diagram of the current position.

const xiangqi = new Xiangqi();

// make some moves

// -> '   +---------------------------+
//      9 | r  n  b  a  k  a  b  n  r |
//      8 | .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . |
//      7 | .  c  .  .  .  .  .  c  . |
//      6 | p  .  p  .  .  .  p  .  p |
//      5 | .  .  .  .  p  .  .  .  . |
//      4 | .  .  .  .  P  .  P  .  . |
//      3 | P  .  P  .  .  .  .  .  P |
//      2 | .  C  .  .  .  .  .  C  . |
//      1 | .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . |
//      0 | R  N  B  A  K  A  B  N  R |
//        +---------------------------+
//          a  b  c  d  e  f  g  h  i


Returns an 2D array representation of the current position. Empty squares are represented by null.

const xiangqi = new Xiangqi();

// -> [[{type: 'r', color: 'b'},
//      {type: 'n', color: 'b'},
//      {type: 'b', color: 'b'},
//      {type: 'a', color: 'b'},
//      {type: 'k', color: 'b'},
//      {type: 'a', color: 'b'},
//      {type: 'b', color: 'b'},
//      {type: 'n', color: 'b'},
//      {type: 'r', color: 'b'}],
//     [...],
//     [...],
//     [...],
//     [null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null],
//     [null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null],
//     [...],
//     [...],
//     [...],
//     [{type: 'r', color: 'r'},
//      {type: 'n', color: 'r'},
//      {type: 'b', color: 'r'},
//      {type: 'a', color: 'r'},
//      {type: 'k', color: 'r'},
//      {type: 'a', color: 'r'},
//      {type: 'b', color: 'r'},
//      {type: 'n', color: 'r'},
//      {type: 'r', color: 'r'}]]


Clears the board.

// -> '9/9/9/9/9/9/9/9/9/9 r - - 0 1' <- empty board


Returns the FEN string for the current position.

const xiangqi = new Xiangqi();

// make some moves

// -> 'rnbakabnr/9/1c5c1/p1p3p1p/4p4/4P1P2/P1P5P/1C5C1/9/RNBAKABNR b - - 3 2'


Returns true if the game has ended via checkmate, stalemate, draw, threefold repetition, or insufficient material. Otherwise, returns false.

const xiangqi = new Xiangqi();
// -> false

xiangqi.load('3aca3/1Cnrk4/b3r4/2p1n4/2b6/9/9/9/4C4/ppppcK3 b - - 0 1');
// -> true (stalemate)

xiangqi.load('rnbakab1r/9/1c5c1/p1p5p/4p1p2/4P1P2/P1P3nCP/1C3A3/4NK3/RNB2AB1R r - - 0 1');
// -> true (checkmate)


Returns the piece on the square:

xiangqi.put({ type: xiangqi.PAWN, color: xiangqi.BLACK }, 'a5'); // put a black pawn on a5

// -> { type: 'p', color: 'b' },
// -> null

.history([ options ])

Returns a list containing the moves of the current game. Options is an optional parameter which may contain a verbose flag. See .moves() for a description of the verbose move fields.

const xiangqi = new Xiangqi();

// -> [ 'e3e4', 'e6e5', 'g3g4', 'e5e4' ]

xiangqi.history({ verbose: true });
// -> [{ color: 'r', from: 'e3', to: 'e4', flags: 'n', piece: 'p', iccs: 'e3e4' },
//     { color: 'b', from: 'e6', to: 'e5', flags: 'n', piece: 'p', iccs: 'e6e5' },
//     { color: 'r', from: 'g3', to: 'g4', flags: 'n', piece: 'p', iccs: 'g3g4' },
//     { color: 'b', from: 'e5', to: 'e4', flags: 'c', piece: 'p', captured: 'p', iccs: 'e5e4' }]


Returns true or false if the side to move is in check.

const xiangqi = new Xiangqi('rnbakab1r/9/1c5c1/p1p5p/4p1p2/4P1P2/P1P3nCP/1C3A3/4NK3/RNB2AB1R r - - 0 1');
// -> true


Returns true or false if the side to move has been checkmated.

const xiangqi = new Xiangqi('rnbakab1r/9/1c5c1/p1p5p/4p1p2/4P1P2/P1P3nCP/1C3A3/4NK3/RNB2AB1R r - - 0 1');
// -> true


Returns true or false if the game is drawn (60-move rule or insufficient material).

const xiangqi = new Xiangqi('4k1b2/9/4b4/9/9/9/9/4B4/9/4K1B2 r - - 0 1');
// -> true


Returns true or false if the side to move has been stalemated.

const xiangqi = new Xiangqi('3aca3/1Cnrk4/b3r4/2p1n4/2b6/9/9/9/4C4/ppppcK3 b - - 0 1');
// -> true


Returns true or false if the current board position has occurred three or more times.

const xiangqi = new Xiangqi('rnbakabnr/9/1c5c1/p1p1p1p1p/9/9/P1P1P1P1P/1C5C1/9/RNBAKABNR r - - 0 1');
// -> true
// rnbakabnr/9/1c5c1/p1p1p1p1p/9/9/P1P1P1P1P/1C5C1/9/RNBAKABNR r - - occurs 1st time
// -> false

xiangqi.move('h0g2'); xiangqi.move('h9g7'); xiangqi.move('g2h0'); xiangqi.move('g7h9');
// rnbakabnr/9/1c5c1/p1p1p1p1p/9/9/P1P1P1P1P/1C5C1/9/RNBAKABNR r - - occurs 2nd time
// -> false

xiangqi.move('h0i2'); xiangqi.move('h9i7'); xiangqi.move('i2h0'); xiangqi.move('i7h9');
// rnbakabnr/9/1c5c1/p1p1p1p1p/9/9/P1P1P1P1P/1C5C1/9/RNBAKABNR r - - occurs 3rd time
// -> true


Allows header information to be added to PGN output. Any number of key/value pairs can be passed to .header().

xiangqi.header('Red', '吕钦');
xiangqi.header('Black', '许银川');

// or

xiangqi.header('Red', '许银川', 'Black', '聂卫平', 'Date', '1999.12.09');

Calling .header() without any arguments returns the header information as an object.

// -> { Red: '许银川', Black: '聂卫平', Date: '1999.12.09' }


Returns true if the game is drawn due to insufficient material (K vs. K or KBA vs. KBA); otherwise false.

const xiangqi = new Xiangqi('4k1b2/9/4b4/9/9/9/9/4B4/9/4K1B2 r - - 0 1');
// -> true


The board is cleared, and the FEN string is loaded. Returns true if the position was successfully loaded, otherwise false.

const xiangqi = new Xiangqi();
xiangqi.load('1nbakabn1/9/1c5c1/p1p3p1p/4p4/4P4/P1P3P1P/1C5C1/9/1NBAKABN1 b - - 1 2');
// -> true

xiangqi.load('1nbakabn1/9/1c5c1/p1p3p1X/4p4/4P4/P1P3P1P/1C5C1/9/1NBAKABN1 b - - 1 2');
// -> false, bad piece X

.load_pgn(pgn, [ options ])

Load the moves of a game stored in Portable Game Notation. pgn should be a string. Options is an optional object which may contain a string newline_char and a boolean sloppy.

The newline_char is a string representation of a valid RegExp fragment and is used to process the PGN. It defaults to \r?\n. Special characters should not be pre-escaped, but any literal special characters should be escaped as is normal for a RegExp. Keep in mind that backslashes in JavaScript strings must themselves be escaped (see sloppy_pgn example below). Avoid using a newline_char that may occur elsewhere in a PGN, such as . or x, as this will result in unexpected behavior.

The sloppy flag is a boolean that permits xiangqi.js to parse moves in non-standard notations. See .move documentation for more information about non-SAN notations.

The method will return true if the PGN was parsed successfully, otherwise false.

const xiangqi = new Xiangqi();
pgn = ['[Game "Chinese Chess"]',
       '[Event "1982年全国赛"]',
       '[Date "1982.12.11"]',
       '[Red "柳大华"]',
       '[Black "杨官璘"]',
       '[Result "1/2-1/2"]',
       '[Format "ICCS"]',
       '1. b2e2 b9c7 2. b0c2 a9b9 3. a0b0 h9g7',
       '4. g3g4 c6c5 5. b0b6 b7a7 6. b6c6 a7a8',
       '7. h0g2 f9e8 8. h2i2 a8c8 9. c6d6 c7b5',
       '10. i0h0 i9h9 11. c2e1 c5c4 12. d6d5 c8c3',
       '13. h0h6 b5d4 14. e2c2 b9b7 15. c2c4 b7d7',
       '16. g2f4 h7i7 17. h6g6 h9h2 18. g4g5 c3b3',
       '19. g5f5 b3b0 20. e1g2 d4f5 21. f0e1 h2h6',
       '22. d5c5 c9a7 23. g6h6 a7c5 24. h6h3 b0b3',
       '25. e3e4 b3b4 26. g0e2 b4e4 27. i2i1 i7i8',
       '28. i1g1 i8g8 29. c4c2 d7f7 30. c2b2 c5a7',
       '31. h3c3 f7b7 32. b2c2 b7f7 33. c2b2 f7b7',
       '34. b2a2 b7f7 35. a2a6 f5h4 36. a6b6 g9e7',
       '37. g1f1 h4f3 38. b6b3 f3g1 39. e0f0 g7f5',
       '40. c3e3 e6e5 41. b3b1 f7f6 42. e3g3 g8f8',
       '43. f1f2 g1i0 44. g3h3 f8f9 45. b1b5 i0g1',
       '46. h3h5 a7c5 47. b5e5 e4b4 48. a3a4 b4b3',
       '49. f2f3 b3b2 50. e1d2 b2b0 51. f0f1 b0d0',
       '52. a4a5 d0g0 53. f1e1 g0g2 54. f3f5 f9f5',
       '55. f4g2 f6b6 56. e1f1 f5f9 57. h5h1 b6e6',
       '58. e5d5 e8f7 59. f1e1 e6b6 60. a5b5 b6a6',
       '61. b5a5 a6b6 62. a5b5 b6a6 63. b5a5 1/2-1/2'];

// -> true

// -> 3akc3/9/4ba3/r7p/P1bC5/9/8P/3AB1N2/4K1nR1/2B6 b - - 16 63

// -> '   +---------------------------+
//      9 | .  .  .  a  k  c  .  .  . |
//      8 | .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . |
//      7 | .  .  .  .  b  a  .  .  . |
//      6 | r  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  p |
//      5 | P  .  b  C  .  .  .  .  . |
//      4 | .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . |
//      3 | .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  P |
//      2 | .  .  .  A  B  .  N  .  . |
//      1 | .  .  .  .  K  .  n  R  . |
//      0 | .  .  B  .  .  .  .  .  . |
//        +---------------------------+
//          a  b  c  d  e  f  g  h  i

// Parse non-standard move formats and unusual line separators
const sloppy_pgn = ['[Event "Wijk aan Zee (Netherlands)"]',
  '[Date "1971.01.26"]',
  '[Result "1-0"]',
  '[White "Tigran Vartanovich Petrosian"]',
  '[Black "Hans Ree"]',
  '[ECO "A29"]',
  '1. Pc2c4 Pe7e5', // non-standard
  '2. Nc3 Nf6',
  '3. Nf3 Nc6',
  '4. g2g3 Bb4',    // non-standard
  '5. Nd5 Nxd5',
  '6. c4xd5 e5-e4', // non-standard
  '7. dxc6 exf3',
  '8. Qb3 1-0'

const options = {
  newline_char: '\\|', // Literal '|' character escaped
  sloppy: true

// -> false

xiangqi.load_pgn(sloppy_pgn, options);
// -> true

// -> 'r1bqk2r/pppp1ppp/2P5/8/1b6/1Q3pP1/PP1PPP1P/R1B1KB1R b KQkq - 1 8'

.move(move, [ options ])

Attempts to make a move on the board, returning a move object if the move was legal, otherwise null. The .move function can be called two ways, by passing a string in Internet Chinese Chess Server (ICCS):

const xiangqi = new Xiangqi();

// -> { color: 'r', from: 'e3', to: 'e4', flags: 'n', piece: 'p', iccs: 'e3e4' }

xiangqi.move('E6E5'); // ICCS is case sensitive!!
// -> null

// -> { color: 'b', from: 'g8', to: 'f6', flags: 'n', piece: 'n', san: 'Nf6' }

Or by passing .move() a move object (only the 'to', 'from', and when necessary 'promotion', fields are needed):

const xiangqi = new Xiangqi();

xiangqi.move({ from: 'g3', to: 'g4' });
// -> { color: 'r', from: 'g3', to: 'g4', flags: 'n', piece: 'p', iccs: 'g3g4' }

An optional sloppy flag can be used to parse a variety of non-standard move notations:

var xiangqi = new Xiangqi();

// various forms of Long Algebraic Notation
xiangqi.move('e2e4', {sloppy: true});
// -> { color: 'w', from: 'e2', to: 'e4', flags: 'b', piece: 'p', san: 'e4' }
xiangqi.move('e7-e5', {sloppy: true});
// -> { color: 'b', from: 'e7', to: 'e5', flags: 'b', piece: 'p', san: 'e5' }
xiangqi.move('Pf2f4', {sloppy: true});
// -> { color: 'w', from: 'f2', to: 'f4', flags: 'b', piece: 'p', san: 'f4' }
xiangqi.move('Pe5xf4', {sloppy: true});
// -> { color: 'b', from: 'e5', to: 'f4', flags: 'c', piece: 'p', captured: 'p', san: 'exf4' }

// correctly parses incorrectly disambiguated moves
xiangqi = new Xiangqi('r2qkbnr/ppp2ppp/2n5/1B2pQ2/4P3/8/PPP2PPP/RNB1K2R b KQkq - 3 7');

xiangqi.move('Nge7');  // Ne7 is unambiguous because the knight on c6 is pinned
// -> null

xiangqi.move('Nge7', {sloppy: true});
// -> { color: 'b', from: 'g8', to: 'e7', flags: 'n', piece: 'n', san: 'Ne7' }

.moves([ options ])

Returns a list of legal moves from the current position. The function takes an optional parameter which controls the single-square move generation and verbosity.

const xiangqi = new Xiangqi();
// -> [ 'a3a4', 'c3c4', 'e3e4', 'g3g4', 'i3i4', 'b2b3', 'b2b4', 'b2b5', 'b2b6', 'b2b9', 'b2b1',
//      'b2a2', 'b2c2', 'b2d2', 'b2e2', 'b2f2', 'b2g2', 'h2h3', 'h2h4', 'h2h5', 'h2h6', 'h2h9',
//      'h2h1', 'h2g2', 'h2f2', 'h2e2', 'h2d2', 'h2c2', 'h2i2', 'a0a1', 'a0a2', 'b0a2', 'b0c2',
//      'c0a2', 'c0e2', 'd0e1', 'e0e1', 'f0e1', 'g0e2', 'g0i2', 'h0g2', 'h0i2', 'i0i1', 'i0i2' ]

xiangqi.moves({square: 'b0'});
// -> [ 'b0a2', 'b0c2' ]

xiangqi.moves({square: 'e9'}); // invalid square
// -> []

xiangqi.moves({ verbose: true });
// -> [{ color: 'r', from: 'a3', to: 'a4',
//       flags: 'n', piece: 'p', iccs 'a3a4'
//       # a captured: key is included when the move is a capture
//     },
//     ...
//     ]

xiangqi.moves({ verbose: true, opponent: true });
// -> [{ color: 'b', from: 'a9', to: 'a8',
//       flags: 'n', piece: 'r', iccs 'a9a8'
//       # a captured: key is included when the move is a capture
//     },
//     ...
//     ]

The piece, captured, and promotion fields contain the lowercase representation of the applicable piece.

The flags field in verbose mode may contain one or more of the following values:

  • 'n' - a non-capture
  • 'c' - a standard capture

.pgn([ options ])

Returns the game in PGN format. Options is an optional parameter which may include max width and/or a newline character settings.

const xiangqi = new Xiangqi();
xiangqi.header('Red', '吕钦', 'Black', '许银川');

xiangqi.pgn({ max_width: 5, newline_char: '<br />' });
// -> '[Red "吕钦"]<br />[Black "许银川"]<br /><br />1. h2e2 h9g7<br />2. h0g2 i9h9'

.put(piece, square)

Place a piece on the square where piece is an object with the form { type: ..., color: ... }. Returns true if the piece was successfully placed, otherwise, the board remains unchanged and false is returned. put() will fail when passed an invalid piece or square, or when two or more kings of the same color are placed.


xiangqi.put({ type: xiangqi.PAWN, color: xiangqi.BLACK }, 'a5'); // put a black pawn on a5
// -> true
xiangqi.put({ type: 'k', color: 'r' }, 'e1'); // shorthand
// -> true

// -> '9/9/9/9/p8/9/9/9/4K4/9 r - - 0 1'

xiangqi.put({ type: 'z', color: 'r' }, 'a1'); // invalid piece
// -> false


xiangqi.put({ type: 'k', color: 'r' }, 'e1');
// -> true

xiangqi.put({ type: 'k', color: 'r' }, 'f1') // fail - two kings
// -> false


Remove and return the piece on square.

xiangqi.put({ type: xiangqi.PAWN, color: xiangqi.BLACK }, 'a5'); // put a black pawn on a5
xiangqi.put({ type: xiangqi.KING, color: xiangqi.RED }, 'e1'); // put a red king on e1

// -> { type: 'p', color: 'b' },
// -> { type: 'k', color: 'r' },
// -> null


Reset the board to the initial starting position.


Returns the current side to move.

xiangqi.load('rnbakabnr/9/1c5c1/p1p1p1p1p/9/9/P1P1P1P1P/1C5C1/9/RNBAKABNR r - - 0 1');
// -> 'r'


Take back the last half-move, returning a move object if successful, otherwise null.

const xiangqi = new Xiangqi();

// -> 'rnbakabnr/9/1c5c1/p1p1p1p1p/9/9/P1P1P1P1P/1C5C1/9/RNBAKABNR r - - 0 1'
// -> 'rnbakabnr/9/1c5c1/p1p1p1p1p/9/4P4/P1P3P1P/1C5C1/9/RNBAKABNR b - - 1 1'

// -> { color: 'r', from: 'e3', to: 'e4', flags: 'n', piece: 'p', iccs: 'e3e4' }
// -> 'rnbakabnr/9/1c5c1/p1p1p1p1p/9/9/P1P1P1P1P/1C5C1/9/RNBAKABNR r - - 0 1'
// -> null


Take forward the last half-move, returning a move object if successful, otherwise null.

const xiangqi = new Xiangqi();

// -> 'rnbakabnr/9/1c5c1/p1p1p1p1p/9/9/P1P1P1P1P/1C5C1/9/RNBAKABNR r - - 0 1'
// -> 'rnbakabnr/9/1c5c1/p1p1p1p1p/9/4P4/P1P3P1P/1C5C1/9/RNBAKABNR b - - 1 1'
// -> { color: 'r', from: 'e3', to: 'e4', flags: 'n', piece: 'p', iccs: 'e3e4' }
// -> 'rnbakabnr/9/1c5c1/p1p1p1p1p/9/9/P1P1P1P1P/1C5C1/9/RNBAKABNR r - - 0 1'

// -> { color: 'r', from: 'e3', to: 'e4', flags: 'n', piece: 'p', iccs: 'e3e4' }
// -> 'rnbakabnr/9/1c5c1/p1p1p1p1p/9/4P4/P1P3P1P/1C5C1/9/RNBAKABNR b - - 1 1'
// -> null


Returns a validation object specifying validity or the errors found within the FEN string.

xiangqi.validate_fen('rnbakabnr/9/1c5c1/p1p1p1p1p/9/9/P1P1P1P1P/1C5C1/9/RNBAKABNR r - - 0 1');
// -> { valid: true, error_number: 0, error: 'No errors.' }

xiangqi.validate_fen('rnbaka?nr/9/1c5c1/p1p1p1p1p/9/9/P1P1P1P1P/1C5C1/9/RNBAKABNR r - - 0 1');
// -> { valid: false, error_number: 9,
//     error: '1st field (piece positions) is invalid [invalid piece].' }


  • .load_pgn() sometimes not work well.


  • Support PGN
  • Investigate the use of piece lists (this may shave a few cycles off generate_moves() and attacked()).
  • Refactor API to use camelCase - yuck.
  • Add more robust FEN validation.