
Problem with powerline installed

jasonpenny opened this issue · 1 comments

I have powerline installed and a recent janus update started causing my vim to show lots of errors.

E121: Undefined variable: #warningmsg#
E15: Invalid expression: pyeval('powerline.new_window()')%#warningmsg#%{SyntasticStatuslineFlag()}%*


if globpath(&runtimepath, 'plugin/airline.vim', 1) ==# '' && globpath(&runtimepath, 'plugin/lightline.vim', 1) ==# ''
set statusline+=%#warningmsg#
set statusline+=%{SyntasticStatuslineFlag()}
set statusline+=%*
let g:syntastic_mode_map = {'mode': 'passive'}

This change seems to stop the errors:

-  if globpath(&runtimepath, 'plugin/airline.vim', 1) ==# '' && globpath(&runtimepath, 'plugin/lightline.vim', 1) ==# ''
+  if globpath(&runtimepath, 'plugin/airline.vim', 1) ==# '' && globpath(&runtimepath, 'plugin/lightline.vim', 1) ==# '' && globpath(&runtimepath, 'plugin/powerline.vim', 1) ==#

but it also seems that syntastic is now set to passive by default (so it no longer checks syntax on file save)

was that on purpose?

The change of setting Syntastic to passive mode was done in #679. Please file a PR to fix the issue that you are experiencing.