
This is a project to learn how to use the API of facebook and twitter.

Primary LanguagePython

This application has been developed for learning purpose.

  * Login to Twitter with OAuth protocol.
  * Login to Facebook with Facebook connect.
  * Logout from Facebook
  * Logout from Twitter
  * If authorized update status in both Twitter and Facebook
  * Basic CSS design
  * The representation of status is very simple.

  * PyFacebook http://github.com/sciyoshi/pyfacebook/
  * OAuth-Python-Client http://github.com/carlitux/Python-OAuth-Client
  * Tornado framework. http://www.tornadoweb.org/
Unsupported browsers:
  * IE
  * Google Chrome
This application has been implementing to prove several tecnologies
without seeing the arquitecture, performance, security.

Using Tornado framework into GAE is to see how to implement it, for this
reason this app do not handle all the exceptions and errors.

This application is subject to the limits google app engine imposed
on their CPU, RAM, BANDWIDTH quotes.

use this to handle quota errors :
  * apiproxy_errors.OverQuotaError. 
        subject='Test Email',
    except apiproxy_errors.OverQuotaError, message:
      # Log the error.
      # Display an informative message to the user.
      self.response.out.write('The email could not be sent. '
        'Please try again later.')