
Final project for "Control systems for robotics" - simulation of obstacle avoidance on an autonomous car using MPC

Primary LanguagePython

Obstacle avoidance simulation (A* + potential fields + MPC)

To Run the Main Program File with A* Planning

Open MPC_MAIN_navigation.py and run.

Tunable options for user:

  1. Set save_simulation=True if you want to save simulation
  2. set feasible start point and goal point (default (10,2) and (20,47))
  3. Horizon length (default=6) [Describe a little more]
  4. desired_speed (default=5)
  5. cost function weights W1, W2, W3
  6. default: W1 = np.array([0.01, 0.01]) # input weightage
  7. W2 = np.array([5.0, 5.0, 0.5, 5]) # state error weightage
  8. W3 = np.array([0.01, 1.0]) # rate of input change weightage
  9. To add more obstacles in path use lines 486 to 493 as an example and repeat the procedure.

To Test Navigation through Moving Obstacles using Potential Fields and MPC

Run mpc_test.py set run_code=1

Tunable options for user:

  1. Set save_simulation=True if you want to save simulation
  2. Set start point and goal point (default (0,-5) and (50,30))
  3. orizon length (default=5)
  4. desired_speed (default=5)
  5. cost function weights W1, W2, W3
  6. default: W1 = np.array([0.01, 0.01]) # input weightage
  7. W2 = np.array([2.0, 2.0, 0.5, 0.5]) # state error weightage
  8. W3 = np.array([0.01, 0.1]) # rate of input change weightage *NUM_OF_OBSTACLES (default = 12)

To Test only Path Following Using MPC

Run mpc_test.py set run_code=2

Tunable options for user:

  1. Set save_simulation=True if you want to save simulation
  2. set start point (default (0,-5))
  3. Horizon length (default=5)
  4. desired_speed (default=5)
  5. cost function weights W1, W2, W3
  6. default:
    • W1 = np.array([0.01, 0.01]) # input weightage
    • W2 = np.array([2.0, 2.0, 0.5, 0.5]) # state error weightage
    • W3 = np.array([0.01, 0.1]) # rate of input change weightage

To change path uncomment any one of the paths given on lines 521 to 523

521. path_x,path_y,path_yaw = get_right_turn(dist_step)
522. path_x,path_y,path_yaw = get_forward_course(dist_step)
523. path_x,path_y,path_yaw = get_straight_course(dist_step)

To Test only Potential Field

set run_code=3

Tunable options for user:

  1. Set save_simulation=True if you want to save simulation
  2. set start point and goal point (default (0,-5) and (50,30))
  3. NUM_OF_OBSTACLES (default = 12)