Date range doesn't work for any dates except example
Closed this issue · 4 comments
I've tried dozens of combinations at this point between the example dates "2019-07-01" and "2020-05-22" for the gedifinder() function. None of them work. Every other combination of date ranges returns:
Error in gedifinder(product = "GEDI01_B", ul_lat, ul_lon, lr_lat, lr_lon, :
There are not GEDI data avalaible between "date1" and "date2"
Note that I added "date1" and "date2" to substitute the dozens of dates I've used so far.
Here is some example code that doesn't work:
Specifying the date range
Get path to GEDI data
gLevel1B<-gedifinder(product="GEDI01_B",ul_lat, ul_lon, lr_lat, lr_lon,version="001",daterange=daterange)
What are the lat and lon you are using? Do you know if there are GEDI data available for these date range and lat lon? Maybe the message is accurately telling what is actually happening.
There are no data available for 2020 in the bbox you provided. Please, if no data returns search in the NASA earthdata portal before posting issues.