This repository is the result of studying:
- OpenGL 4.0 Shading Language Cookbook, by David Wolff
- Alan Wolfe's blog
1 Shading models (notes/1 Shading Models)
- Diffuse and per-vertex shading with a single point light source, omnidirectional scattering
- Gooch model, variation
- Phong reflection model, per-vertex ambient, diffuse, and specular Gouraud shading
- Gouraud vertex interpolation shading vs Flat shading
2 Textures and maps (notes/2 Textures and Maps)
- Diffuse textures
- Textures and shading models
- Multiple textures
- Alpha
- Normal maps
- Environment cube maps and skyboxes; refraction
- Image-based lighting, irradiance environment maps
- Rendering to a texture
3 Real-time path tracing (Shadertoy)
- Basic camera, diffuse, emissive
- Glossy reflections
- Fresnel, rough refraction and absorption; orbit camera