
Problem with `localize` method

Closed this issue · 4 comments

Hi mate!

In our application, we have an i18n_alchemy initializer and we do this:

ActiveSupport.on_load(:active_record) do
  include I18n::Alchemy

And all active record classes has i18n alchemy loaded.

But, with the merge of localize methods and custom parsers we get the following bug:

class MonthlyStatement < ActiveRecord::Base
  localize :initial_competence_date, :end_competence_date, :using => CompetenceParser

class FamilyWageType < ActiveRecord::Base
1.9.3p194 :001 > FamilyWageType.localized_methods
 => {} 
1.9.3p194 :002 > MonthlyStatement.localized_methods
 => {:initial_competence_date=>CompetenceParser, :end_competence_date=>CompetenceParser} 
1.9.3p194 :003 > FamilyWageType.localized_methods
 => {:initial_competence_date=>CompetenceParser, :end_competence_date=>CompetenceParser} 

Before the merge, we had two different methods, localized_methods and customized_parsers.

We don't use localize methods, only in attributes and now we using custom parsers.

I'm thinking this problem can occur with only localize methods too.

So, you have any solution for us?!

I think it's not due the merge, but because class_attribute is shared among the subclasses of the one that includes I18n::Alchemy. I might work on something to handle that later.

I don't think so, with the 2d47815 version:

1.9.3p194 :001 > ActiveRecord::Base.customized_parsers
 => {} 
1.9.3p194 :002 > MonthlyStatement.customized_parsers
 => {:initial_competence_date=>CompetenceParser, :end_competence_date=>CompetenceParser} 
1.9.3p194 :003 > ActiveRecord::Base.customized_parsers
 => {} 

I think the problem is in the piece of code in lib/i18n_alchemy.rb:

      def localize(*methods, options)
        parser  = options[:using]
        methods = methods.each_with_object(localized_methods) do |method_name, hash|
          hash[method_name] = parser
        self.localized_methods = methods

Oh, the each_with_object(localized_methods) call is mutating the parent Hash, need to fix that :)

Exactly, right on the spot, thanks guys.