Harfbuzz version too old (1.2.1)
namatreasure opened this issue · 1 comments
Ubuntu 20.04.1 LTS
64 bit
Gnome 3.36.8
Window X11
Downloaded ardublockly 1.2.8
after running ./ardublockly in arduexec i got this error
ni@ni-UX410UAR:~/ardublockly/arduexec$ ./ardublockly
(ardublockly:9910): Pango-ERROR **: 12:56:08.753: Harfbuzz version too old (1.2.1)
Is there a solution or a way around this problem, thank you very much.
@namatreasure download this deb packages:
extract deb packages, then data.tar.xz and get all files from '/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/' in data.tar.xz and put in auduexec folder.
Then try again:
source: https://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/589993/pango-error-harfbuzz-version-too-old