
Call for collaboration

iShapeNoise opened this issue · 0 comments

Dear ArduBlocky fans,
at the moment I prepare a course for kids with the Elegoo Ultimate Arduino Kit, and found that ArduBlocky is one of the best Blocky-based version for Arduino. Unfortunately some features are missing, and I am beginner with Python. My Java knowledge is NIL, that is why I hope to get one of you, who might have interest in developing the html python server version.
The momentarily features I need for the course:

  • Adding essential blocks (e.g. digitalRead with PinMode INPUT_PULLUP)
  • Adding additional blocks (e.g. all sensors and modules from the Elegoo Kit)
  • Adding serial monitoring using pyserial to show it in the terminal
  • Adding an export for Arduino code

This is what I personally need for now, but we can go further in an collaboration.
Comments and contacts are much appreciated! Cheers