
imul flags on particular case of 2 x maxint

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Looks to me like imul is not setting flags properly on this particular case! Thanks, Erik

mov eax, 0x2
mov ebx, 0x7FFFFFFF
mov edx, 0xDEADBEAF  
imul ebx                                        ; <----- after this CF & OF should be set/true/1 but they are cleared

mov eax, 0x4
mov ebx, 0x7FFFFFFF
mov edx, 0xDEADBEAF
imul ebx                                        ; CF & OF properly set to true/1

mov eax, 0xFFFFFFFF
mov ebx, 0xFFFFFFFF
mov edx, 0xDEADBEAF
imul ebx                                       ; CF & OF properly set to false/0

mov ebx, 0xDEADBEAF