
Integration Tests With WebApplicationFactory and Test Containers

Primary LanguageC#

Integration Tests With Test Containers

Integration Tests With WebApplicationFactory and Test Containers

Code for blog post - https://carlpaton.github.io/2022/07/integration-tests-with-webapplicationfactory-testcontainers/

Source Code


The CustomerApi uses a postgres database, you can spin it up locally with the following docker command.

docker run --name CustomerApiDatabase -p 5555:5432 -e POSTGRES_DB=mydb -e POSTGRE_USER=postgres -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=password -d postgres:14.4

The connection string would then be Server=localhost;Port=5555;Database=mydb;User ID=postgres;Password=password

This is just for local testing, secrets should be securely injected in production - but you knew that right :D

To connect to the database using VS2022 you can use the plugin NpgsqlPostgreSQLIntegration, I installed it from Extensions -> Manage Extensions -> Visual Studio Marketplace. It then installs with a VSIX installer (whatever that is). You then go tools -> Connect to Database -> PostgreSQL Database



Delete your Migrations folder first.

dotnet ef migrations add MeaningfulMigrationName
dotnet ef database update