
Weapon Mastery Tracking (Feature Suggestion)

Closed this issue · 4 comments

It would be nice to have weapon mastery tracking, similar to the Damascus tracker.
They've also made it simple this time around, only requiring kills with a specific camo equipped.


I'll definitely look into adding this! Might need some help gathering all the mastery challenges though 🤔

Good news! The mastery challenges are the same for every weapon.

Gold Mastery: Get 100 Kills while using the Gold Camo
Platinum Mastery: Get 200 Kills while using the Platinum Camo
Polyatomic Mastery: Get 300 Kills while using the Polyatomic Camo
Orion Mastery: Get 400 Kills while using the Orion Camo

Orion Mastery: Get 100 Kills while using the Orion Camo

I assume this should be 400?

Orion Mastery: Get 100 Kills while using the Orion Camo

I assume this should be 400?

Yep, went a bit too fast writing that...😅