
Django-filters, search_fields not working fine with 40+fields in model. 10 x 20 x 30 this type of input giving wrong result.

MudassarSharifSandhu opened this issue · 1 comments

Hey @carltongibson team!
i'm facing an issue regarding search_fields
django = "~=2.2.26" djangorestframework = "~=3.13.1" django-allauth = "~=0.50.0" django-rest-auth = "~=0.9.5" django-extensions = "~=3.1.5" django-filter = "*"
above all the requirements, which installed.

Include all fields having no relation
`search_fields = [ for i in ManageTFTData._meta.get_fields() if not i.is_relation]

serializer_class = ManageTFTDataSerializer

filter_backends = (filters.SearchFilter, DjangoFilterBackend)
Anyone can help me on this?
its just having issue for this just one field for specific above string.

This is not an addressable issue report.