dynamic filter remembered during next api calls
MehdiDRISSIB opened this issue · 1 comments
I created dynamic filters in my filterset like this:
class ProductFilter(FilterSet):
price = django_filters.NumericRangeFilter(field_name="inventory__default_price", lookup_expr='lt', label=_('price'),
inspiration_country = django_filters.MultipleChoiceFilter(choices=countries, field_name=_("Inspiration country"),
lookup_expr='in', method='get_inspiration_countries',
label=_('inspiration country'))
category_hierarchy = django_filters.ChoiceFilter(method='get_category_hierarchy', label=_('Category'))
class Meta:
model = Product
fields = ['price', "inspiration_country", 'translations__slug', 'category_hierarchy',
'in_promo', 'customizable']
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
super(ProductFilter, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
cat = None
if 'search' in self.data and self.data.get('search') and not ('category_hierarchy' in self.data and self.data.get('category_hierarchy')):
cat = self.get_category_from_search(self.data.get('search'))
elif 'category_hierarchy' in self.data and self.data.get('category_hierarchy'):
cat = self.get_category_from_slug_hierarchy(self.data.get('category_hierarchy'))
if cat:
attributes = Attribute.objects.prefetch_related('choices').filter(categories__in=cat.get_ancestors(include_self=True))
for attr in attributes:
if attr.is_stringy:
self.base_filters[attr.name] = django_filters.MultipleChoiceFilter(
choices=[(choice.id, choice) for choice in attr.choices.all()],
self.base_filters[attr.name].field_name = attr.name
elif attr.is_boolean:
self.base_filters[attr.name] = django_filters.BooleanFilter(
self.base_filters[attr.name].field_name = attr.name
As you can see depending of the category. I request the attributes of a category. Then I assign to self.base_filters new filters. The issue is that during the first call:
https://noodra.com:8443/api/product/product/?category_hierarchy=grocery-and-crus : the result is correct
on the second call:
https://noodra.com:8443/api/product/product/?category_hierarchy=clothing-and-shoes : the result of filters is wrong because self.base_filters come and remember the filters of grocery-and-crus. So in this second call, I got filters calculated from the grocery-and-crus and from this clothing-and-shoes
for example, on clothing and shoes, I will get one new filter color. in the second call, I should have some other filters related to grocery but I got color filter also with my grocery filters.
Many thanks for your answer