
Can't specify custom values for default_blank option

Closed this issue · 4 comments

Title says it all - can't specify specific (i18n'able) text to be the default option when using either form.state_select or state_options_for_select.

jim commented

This sounds like it's probably a carmen-rails issue.

The view helpers don't currently support a prompt option, but I'll open a ticket over there for it.

Awesome - didn't realize there was a carmen-rails repo. I'll take a look there and see if (now that I have some cycles) I can throw together a PR.

@jim @isparling This worked for me ..

<%= f.subregion_select(:state, country, {:include_blank => "Select if applicable"}) %>
<%= f.country_select :country, :priority => %w(US), :include_blank => "Select if applicable" %>