
Show username in rofi entry

pinpox opened this issue · 6 comments


is it possible to show the usename of an entry in the menu before accepting it?
I have several accounts on the same domain named example.org_0, example.org_1, etc..

I know I could use a folder called "" and save the different users with the uesrname as a filename, but I would rather not give away my username.

I would like a rofi menu with entries like:

> example (user1) (user2) (user3)

where the .gpg files contain an "user:" entry containing "user1", "user2", "user3"

Is it possible to use the username instead/in combination with the file name for the entry shown in rofi?

You can peak into pass entries with Alt+Enter.
Showing the username in the list is not an option, since this would need me to decrypt every single password file just to generate the list. That, of course, is a no-go for several reasons.

@carnager Alt+Enter doesn't do anything on my installation. Is this functionality enabled by default?

Nevermind, it's Alt+o on the default config from Arch Linux.

@binaryplease I usually have <website>-<user or theme>.gpg, e.g. reddit-money. I guess you could also use what was recently merged in #140

@moviuro I understand. The issue I have with this, is that the username is in the file's name. When Syncing with git anyone who can read the repo will have the user even if the files containing the password are encrypted

@binaryplease we're straying a bit away from rofi-pass, but if you care about someone reading your git-managed files, you might want to take a look at ? I don't use it myself and don't know if it can work with rofi-pass, but it might help in the end.

@moviuro oh, this is very nice. I might even think about adding support for this, seems to be a no-brainer to implement this.