
Trouble with Extended ASCII characters

Closed this issue · 5 comments

Some of my old passwords use extended ASCII characters and they are not pasting properly. Some of the ASCII characters will paste while others will not; depending of the application. The behavior is unpredictable because the characteres that paste changes each time I use it . Some applications work fine (like Emacs) however others such as Firefox will not paste any ASCII characters.

example characters that have trouble:

does this also happen when you manually set your keyboard layout with setxkbmap foo bar and then start rofi-pass afterwards?

Yes I added setxkmap us to my .xinitrc and and set it manually and started rofi-pass afterwards.

Please try using bash -x /usr/bin/rofi-pass; this should output debug info. Make sure to hide sensitive info, such as other characters of your password that are not the ones causing you trouble.

EDIT: realized I didn't sudo make install after cloning the directory and was using the existing script. However after running sudo make install I still have the same problem with ASCII characters

Here is the output of bash -x rofi-pass

+ basecommand=/usr/local/bin/rofi-pass
+ URL_field=url
+ USERNAME_field=user
+ AUTOTYPE_field=autotype
+ OTPmethod_field=otp_method
+ default_autotype='user :tab pass'
+ delay=2
+ wait=0.2
+ xdotool_delay=12
+ default_do=menu
+ auto_enter=false
+ notify=false
+ help_color=
+ clip=primary
+ clip_clear=45
++ whoami
+ default_user=isaul
+ default_user2=john_doe
+ password_length=12
+ fix_layout=false
+ autotype=Alt+1
+ type_user=Alt+2
+ type_pass=Alt+3
+ open_url=Alt+4
+ copy_name=Alt+u
+ copy_url=Alt+l
+ copy_pass=Alt+p
+ show=Alt+o
+ copy_menu=Alt+c
+ action_menu=Alt+a
+ type_menu=Alt+t
+ help=Alt+h
+ switch=Alt+x
+ insert_pass=Alt+n
+ qrcode=Alt+q
+ previous_root=Shift+Left
+ next_root=Shift+Right
+ umask 077
+ main
+ shopt -s nullglob globstar
++ help=Alt+h
++ switch=Alt+x
++ insert_pass=Alt+n
+ [[ ! -d /home/isaul/.cache/rofi-pass ]]
+ [[ false == \t\r\u\e ]]
+ [[ #4872FF == '' ]]
+ [[ -z xdg-open ]]
+ [[ -r /home/isaul/.cache/rofi-pass/last_used ]]
+ [[ '' == \-\-\l\a\s\t\-\u\s\e\d ]]
+ [[ '' == \-\-\s\h\o\w\-\l\a\s\t ]]
+ [[ -n '' ]]
+ [[ -n '' ]]
+ [[ -n '' ]]
+ roots=("$HOME/.password-store")
+ roots_index=0
+ roots_length=1
+ export root=/home/isaul/.password-store
+ root=/home/isaul/.password-store
+ export PASSWORD_STORE_DIR=/home/isaul/.password-store
+ PASSWORD_STORE_DIR=/home/isaul/.password-store
+ case $1 in
+ mainMenu
+ [[ '' == \-\-\b\m\a\r\k\s ]]
+ unset selected_password
+ args=(-dmenu -kb-custom-1 "${autotype}" -kb-custom-2 "${type_user}" -kb-cu
ot}" -kb-custom-14 "${action_menu}" -kb-custom-15 "${copy_menu}" -kb-custom-
+ args+=(-kb-mode-previous "" -kb-mode-next "" -select "$entry" -p "> ")
+ [[ 1 -gt 1 ]]
+ [[ '' == \t\r\u\e ]]
++ list_passwords
++ _rofi -dmenu -kb-custom-1 Alt+1 -kb-custom-2 Alt+2 -kb-custom-3 Alt+3 -kb
x -kb-custom-18 Alt+n -kb-custom-19 Alt+q -kb-mode-previous '' -kb-mode-next
++ rofi -i -no-auto-select -dmenu -kb-custom-1 Alt+1 -kb-custom-2 Alt+2 -kb-
-kb-custom-17 Alt+x -kb-custom-18 Alt+n -kb-custom-19 Alt+q -kb-mode-previou
+ selected_password=
+ rofi_exit=1
+ [[ 1 -eq 1 ]]
+ exit

This is likely a problem with xdotool (due to setxkbmap etc).
Try using xdotool manually on what pass show gives you, and/or select a password when running it with bash -x to see what is going on (but obviously do not paste your password here then).