
rofi deprecating -dump-xresources

Closed this issue · 2 comments

Rofi has deprocated rofi -dump-xresources, which is used in this script. This caused me to see a confusing error message. Commenting out the "set help color" section fixes the issue for me, but I don't know how to replicate that functionality.

I don't think it's easy to replicate the functionality, since rofi has switched to using themes, which can style the different "components" with a CSS-like syntax, which makes it easy since you would need to resolve the variables to figure out the actual color used for the component where the help text is being displayed. I would probably just remove the help_color functionality all together. Alternatively, you could set the HELP variables to only include the color='$help_color' property only conditionally:

	if [[ $help_color == "" ]]; then
	    HELP_COLOR_ATTRIBUTE=" color='$help_color'"
        HELP="<span${HELP_COLOR_ATTRIBUTE}>Selected entry: ${selected_password}</span>"

The result is actually the same as when just removing the "set help color" section, i.e. the default colors are used if no help_color is specified and the specified color is used if it is given. But it's a little cleaner to not include the color attribute at all, if it's not given, imo.

removed help_color variable in latest commit, since it doesn't make any sense to leave it in.