
sprites dataset

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Hi, I'm trying to use the sprites dataset. Thanks for uploading it.

There are many mat files, such as sprites_200.mat.
I use h5py to read the file.
There are following keys: [u'#refs#', u'labels', u'masks', u'sprites']

I managed to get some numpy arrays from it

data = [mat[e[0]][:] for e in mat['sprites']]
img = data[10]
(9, 10800)
scipy.misc.imsave('/tmp/test_%d.jpg' % i, np.reshape(img_i, [60, 60, 3]))

However, the image is very low resolution and each image contains 9 characters.

Could you advice what's the correct way to open the dataset?

It's better to open mat file in matlab (which has free trial version) to see the structure of the mat file. I also remember that there was a program that can open mat file by it self without matlab.