
Support `on` with multiple actions as array

Closed this issue ยท 7 comments

bekos commented

Can you support something like this:

on([ Bar, Foo ], (state, { type }) => [...state, type])

Thx ๐Ÿ‘

I don't think that's possible. Why do you need it anyway?

bekos commented

Never mind. I hadn't noticed that you support the same functionality with on({ Bar, Foo }, .... Maybe you need to update README :)

Maybe you need to update README

I guess so. ๐Ÿ˜„

Supporting multiple actions in on is something I added only in the last few days.

May I ask why supporting array is impossible please? is it related to ReturnType() can't accept an array element as argument?

It didn't say it was impossible. I said I didn't think it was possible. The reason being is that I am not aware of a tuple equivalent to the mapped types that work with objects.

Actually, looking at this again, I think I'm wrong and that arrays could also be supported. I'll look more closely at this later and will add support if it's possible.

Done in 8.1.0.