
Create a release checklist for a more formal release process

microwavables opened this issue · 1 comments

Describe the problem/challenge you have
Currently there is no set process for major releases for the team to follow for a more consistent experience. This creates chaos when trying to plan for communications, content, and promotion of the releases.

Describe the solution you'd like
I would like to create a release checklist for the team to follow for upcoming major releases.

Anything else you would like to add
This checklist will only be for more major releases/new feature releases and not minor, i.e. bug fixes.

hey @microwavables !

I happened to be creating a release checklist for secretgen-controller and kapp-controller, and just noticed this issue. Here's some links to the new issue templates, let me know / feel free to make a PR to edit these as you see fit if they don't align with what you were expecting.