
Facilitate a way to correlate requests made from imgpkg copy with an unique id to club them to one logical bucket

jhasu opened this issue · 2 comments

jhasu commented

Describe the problem/challenge you have
Currently imgpkg in its requests don't have an unique id which can logically tie all the independent manifest and blob endpoint requests for a download session made into one logical bucket. This correlation at times is desired to correlate the requests to one download session.

Describe the solution you'd like
A unique identifier can be added to the header information to imgpkg client request which will be present in all the request made for one download session initiated by a user.

Anything else you would like to add:
[Additional information that will assist in solving the issue.]

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Hey @jhasu
It could be an interesting feature that could help any registry to track what each user is retrieving or pushing into a registry at one specific time.

The request here sounds like a new header that we would include in each request to the registry that would be unique per execution of imgpkg. Not sure if there is a good HTTP header that we could piggyback on if not, maybe we can create a header called imgpkg-session-id or something similar that would contain an SHA or an OOID for each execution of imgpkg.

Do yll have any suggestions on the Header name?

Going to mark this accepted since it looks like a good feature to have.

jhasu commented

Thank you @joaopapereira.
I think "imgpkg-session-id" sounds to be an appropriate header name for this.