
Pitch deck cleanup and consolidation

Opened this issue · 9 comments

The pitch looks great!! We have covered all the points.
However, I thinks the slides are pretty verbose (giving a feel its AI generated). The slide content can be more point-based like slides 7, or point + small explanation like slide 9. What say? The present slide content would be more of what we speak during the pitch (in case we present), while the slide's actual content being reduced to only point + 1 liner.

Originally posted by @shrutimantri in carverauto/threadr#33 (comment)


  • Team
  • Business Overview
  • Market Opportunity
  • Value Proposition
  • Go To Market Plan
  • Business Model
  • Financials


Need a better slide and notes about the founding team, and move the team slide to the front of the deck.

Need to cover the following:

  1. What led us to this opportunity?
  • What was our specific insight
  1. How are we uniquely advantaged to build this business?
  • Relevant life experiences?
  • Domain expertise gained?
  1. Teaming
  • How do we know each other?
  • Results of having worked together?

Business Overview

We do xx for yy uniquely zz

Keep it short and sweet, just for context and orientation only.
(Should be consistent with positioning and value prop)

Market Opportunity

  • Business pain
  • Technology need

Urgency: why now?

Value Proposition

  1. How you address the pain/need?
  2. Your product/service
  • Whats unique/defensible about it?
  • Why is it a breakthrough?



Need a better slide and notes about the founding team, and move the team slide to the front of the deck.

Need to cover the following:

  1. What led us to this opportunity?
  • What was our specific insight
  1. How are we uniquely advantaged to build this business?
  • Relevant life experiences?
  • Domain expertise gained?
  1. Teaming
  • How do we know each other?
  • Results of having worked together?

I think we can probably break down Team section into two parts. One that gives a brief info abt the Team, who they're and what they work on and briefly talks abt the third point as well may be. And once we go through Market Opportunity, we could dive deep into the second point. This helps us move quickly from intro to presenting key insights/info that's more valuable to the potential investors.


Market Opportunity

  • Business pain
  • Technology need

Urgency: why now?

Could def include a few more points to realise the market potential,

  • Existing companies doing something similar and their growth trajectory, could help validate that there's need for such products.

In the Business pain,

  • What does it costs to companies(both time and money) when something like this isn't available? an approximate number would be ideally better if we can find to show how much companies could save in terms of money and time through solutions like threadr.
  • Show actual companies talking abt this, may be ask our onboarded companies or one in our circle to share their thoughts on how absence of such solutions is affecting them? and present this thoughts briefly in a slide show that there's actual need for such solutions.

What do we plan to talk abt in Technology need?

Value Proposition

  1. How you address the pain/need?
  2. Your product/service
  • Whats unique/defensible about it?
  • Why is it a breakthrough?
  • How do we compare to existing products?
  • What makes us the one of the best choice for companies that may wanna adopt such solutions?
  • What will companies save upon when they implement our solution?

All these doesn't need to be three distinct points but we def wanna capture this things in here in someway.

@rutvik110 I think I addressed most of your points, can you take a look at the most recent updates and see if you think we need to change anything else?

Screenshot 2024-03-27 at 10 35 59 PM

might want to add some graphic like this.. showing how we separate ourselves.

Ideas for axis:

Y: Fine-Tuning

We're the only ones that can have ground our LLMs with a graph-rag solution.

Can we add a point within Market Opportunity that talks abt company level struggles? similar to the first point that talks abt individual level struggles,

Screenshot 2024-03-28 at 1 51 05 PM

Curious abt where's the 97 minutes per user refs coming from? Can we point out to some actual data or evidence that talks abt this number?

In few places across presentation we talk abt how some of the things we do like USP in relationship mapping and insight extraction and how that separates us from slack Ai, but we don't seem to be mentioning what those things unlocks for us like a certain capability/feature that slack Ai doesn't have? Is this going to be part of the presentation talk so not mentioned here?

And also, this might be a question in the near future but what happens if the slack itself tries to use this techniques to improve their slack AI? At that point, what USP we've compared to slack to acquire new customers or keep existing ones?

Can we add a point within Market Opportunity that talks abt company level struggles? similar to the first point that talks abt individual level struggles,

Screenshot 2024-03-28 at 1 51 05 PM Curious abt where's the `97 minutes per user` refs coming from? Can we point out to some actual data or evidence that talks abt this number?

In few places across presentation we talk abt how some of the things we do like USP in relationship mapping and insight extraction and how that separates us from slack Ai, but we don't seem to be mentioning what those things unlocks for us like a certain capability/feature that slack Ai doesn't have? Is this going to be part of the presentation talk so not mentioned here?

And also, this might be a question in the near future but what happens if the slack itself tries to use this techniques to improve their slack AI? At that point, what USP we've compared to slack to acquire new customers or keep existing ones?

Good questions @rutvik110 , the 97 minutes is coming from Slack's own research and off their Slack AI page which I think is linked somewhere in this repo or perhaps in the main one under market analysis. To address your 2nd question, if Slack tries to go feature parity with us, we still win because we are cross-platform and most organizations arent just using one messaging system or the other, in my experiences.

we still win because we are cross-platform and most organizations arent just using one messaging system or the other, in my experiences.

This is a big USP. We should def mention this in the pitch deck.