Missing wordlists, also Discord API versions?
mysterious-imago opened this issue · 2 comments
When trying to set up this bot on my own server, node throws an error that the wordlist_1.txt and wordlist_1.txt files are missing. Should they be in this repo or am I doing something wrong?
Also I noticed this bot will only run with discord.js v13, which is now on an older version of the Discord API. Probably something that won't need attention for a bit, but wanted to bring it to your attention before the Discord API v9 gets deprecated.
Hello! Thanks for letting me know about the missing wordlist files. I had just forgotten to add them, but I added them just now!
As for Discord.js v9/13, do you know what changes I'd need to make to keep it up to date?
Your guess is as good as mine 😂 I just installed discord.js (which now defaults to v14) and followed the errors to Stack Overflow... Based on this link, it looks any deprecation of the v9 API is probably a number of years out.